Embassy Theatre and Cinema Center Cinema Center joined forces to - TopicsExpress


Embassy Theatre and Cinema Center Cinema Center joined forces to present a popular event that attracted patrons and revenue for both organizations in May 2014. This collaboration is why they are nominated for the Outstanding Arts Collaboration Award. From their nomination: The organizations partnered to show the cult classic film, The Big Lebowski. According to Jonah Crismore, executive director of Cinema Center, it is their most requested movie. Two years prior, Cinema Center showed the movie at Indiana Tech to a capacity crowd. This time Cinema Center wanted to allow even more people to attend and approached the Embassy about showing the movie and hosting Dudefest. We have been looking to partner with Cinema Center and this was the perfect opportunity, said Kelly Updike, executive director of the Embassy. As an added bonus, the event is a fundraiser for both Cinema Center and the Embassy. The Embassy and Cinema Center shared costs and responsibilities involved in producing a successful event. Playing to strengths, the Embassy provided the venue while Cinema Center acquired the film. Patrons were welcomed to the event by Cinema Center and Embassy. Proceeds from the evenings ticket sales were split between the two organizations.The event was rounded out by the participation of several area businesses. Bravas foods served specialty burgers and hot dogs from their food truck parked in front of the theater. Bravas also arranged for marketing artwork and Another local vendor, Sweets So Geek, offered chocolate novelty items -toes -in fact, that shared a theme from the film. Crazy Pinz Entertainment Center provided an indoor bowling alley-also a movie theme. There was also a costume and trivia contest. Hosting this at the Embassy increased audience capacity for Cinema Center: many could not attend the first viewing of the film because it sold out quickly- and introduced a new audience to the Embassy, as the vast majority of the moviegoers were at the Embassy for their very first visit. Attendee ages ranged from teenagers through 50-somethings, sharing their infatuation for this enduring cult-favorite film.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 01:45:01 +0000

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