Enjoyment and what it means... Recently I have been - TopicsExpress


Enjoyment and what it means... Recently I have been experiencing an interesting phenomenon. People seem to think that because I live a clean lifestyle that I do not enjoy myself primarily while eating. This assumption is usually formed when I tell them that I am competitor, I am staying lean throughout the winter, or the subject of the holidays comes up. Usually in the form of, I hope that you are going to really eat and enjoy your Thanksgiving. I am actually a bit miffed at the implication that just because I do not gorge myself at a meal means that I have less enjoyment of it. So often I hear Well good for you, but I couldnt do that because I want to enjoy life. Ouch. Lets break this down a bit, first by defining enjoyment. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary enjoyment (noun) means: a feeling of pleasure caused by doing or experiencing something you like or the condition of having and using something that is good, pleasant, etc. Since this is the season to be thankful and partake in enjoyment, here is a small list of things that I enjoy: 1. I enjoy cooking, creating something from raw ingredients that is beautiful and tasty. 2. I enjoy eating, especially what I cook but also have strong appreciation for what other s make from scratch. 3. I enjoy not feeling gluttonous, sick, or stuffed. 4. I enjoy how my body feels, being fed consistently with the proper ratio of nutrients. 5. I enjoy how much more energy I possess. 6. I enjoy how I no longer am in a constant state of regret for what I ate. 7. I enjoy knowing that I am at the optimal state health. 8. The girly side of me enjoys being able to wear anything (within personal reason) and feel good in it. 9. I enjoy the confidence I have gained from this experience. 10. I enjoy (and love) my body! Too often in our culture, enjoyment is used a ready excuse for not doing something, not seeing it through or sticking with it. Evaluate yourself and what enjoyment truly means to you, not what society expects. Figure out how it fits specifically into your life and if you want change, you must make it. Indulge and enjoy!
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 18:45:22 +0000

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