‘FODEP hereby appeals to the Acting Republican President, Dr. - TopicsExpress


‘FODEP hereby appeals to the Acting Republican President, Dr. Guy Scott, to be firm and safeguard government resources such as vehicles, office spaces and finances from abuse by some ministers to advance partisan interests and instruct the police to arrest anyone found abuse government facilities[]: The Foundation for Democratic Process (FODEP) says it is deeply concerned at the continued political wrangling in the ruling PF’ which is now affecting the smooth operations of the government and posing as a potential threat to national peace and security’. FODEP director Macdonald Chipenzi says the resolution by the 14 Cabinet Ministers to pass a Vote of no Confidence in the Acting Republican President, Dr. Guy Scott, is a clear testimony that not all is well in the PF as a party and government and one wonders whether Cabinet has been sitting on deliberate on nation matters under such hostile environment. Chipenzi however said there is no law that empowers Cabinet to remove a sitting President. Chiepnzi advised the desperate ministers to exercise a lot of restraint regardless of the levels of provocation. He said Zambians are remaining with barely 30 days to resolve this impasse using the ballot when they will elect a substantive Republic President. And FODEP says it is deeply concerned at the continued use and abuse of government facilities and other resources by some Cabinet Ministers for partisan interests. It is like the unending wrangling in the ruling party is being capitalized as an opportunity for the party to abandon its secretariat and turn government offices into party secretariat. ‘The use of ministry offices and other government offices as places for party briefings instead of party secretariat is a blatant abuse of public resources and facilities, an act which is in contravention of the provisions of electoral code of Conduct No. 52 of 2011 Regulation 21 (k). ‘It is also difficult to appreciate why law enforcement agencies such as the police, which are supposed to pursue law breakers, have conspicuously turned a blind eye on such breaches. ‘FODEP hereby appeals to the Acting Republican President, Dr. Guy Scott, to be firm and safeguard government resources such as vehicles, office spaces and finances from abuse by some ministers to advance partisan interests and instruct the police to arrest anyone found abuse government facilities. ‘Finally, FODEP calls on all political parties and government officials to remain disciplined by exercising restraint and avoid interfering in the independent operations of other government institutions such as the Judiciary, Electoral Commission among others to achieve either personal or partisan interests.’ -- zambianwatchdog/fodep-irritated-by-pf-ministers-abuse-of-govt-offices-for-party-activities/
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 18:32:00 +0000

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