FOR MY FAMILY AND CLOSE FRIENDS: Hey! Honey ... Im HOOOOME! What a great day! My beautiful nurse Brooke Robinson (daughter of Jerry Preaus) was a dream! I swear, of the dozens of needle sticks Ive received for I-V injections thru the years, hers was literally almost painless. I kid you not! And she GOT it right-on the first time! She was kind, gentle, humorous and extremely patient with my continuous psycho-babble. Hey... you know ME!?!? lol When I entered the operating room, the staff were busy as bees moving in time to a quick-step tune. I immediately recalled the YouTube Video of an Operating Crew dancing with a double-mascetomy patient prior to her surgery. I suggested we do a Line-Dance, of course. By that time, however, my legs were already strapped tight! John indicated that Meagan knew how to twerk! I said please do and can we record it? She smiled sweetly and said she wouldnt do it alone, but would be game if Kim joined in. Philip had to join the party as well. OMG! MY OR room was rockin out. I told Meagan I was gonna post this on FB and could I use their names...they were really cool cats! It was a blast.... I was semi-conscious during the entire procedure and watched Dr. Byrnes handi-work on a screen next to my head. I was enamored. He located two additional clots in this vein just waiting to wreak havoc on my life, had I NOT received this life-saving procedure. I am forever grateful .... God is good! After all was completed, hand-compression was applied to my groin for approximately 20 minutes straight! I told John that after that much intimacy, we would be engaged some states. He cackled! Since everything went outstandingly well and I recovered so quickly, I was allowed to come home after a few hours of observation. I am receiving Plavix. I will be taking it easy for a few days and returning to see Dr. Byrnes on the 21st for further instructions. My only concern is I cant take a bath for a week... I dont think mamas cats will be able to handle the odor for that long. I guess a shower will have to do!, Thank you all very much for the thoughts and prayers ... God was indeed with me today. Those hidden clots could have snuck up on me at any moment. Life is shorter than you think. Please tell your loved ones that you care.....
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 00:23:05 +0000

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