FOX NEWS ALERT! On the heels of the huge success of the PEOPLES - TopicsExpress


FOX NEWS ALERT! On the heels of the huge success of the PEOPLES MARCH ON CLIMATE CHANGE yesterday, today, the network pulled out all the stops to change the tide....on the climate change debate! As the groups most dedicated watchdog over the evil empire known as FOX NEWS, I felt compelled (as I often do) to watch the propaganda machine to see their fair and balanced take.....or, should I say, deplorable SPIN AND BIAS on yesterdays (and todays) demonstrations to raise awareness and concern for the growing crisis surrounding climate change. I expected the worst, but the folks at BM (Bullshit Mountain) pulled out all the stops today! From early morning until the time as I write this, their entire on-air presence was tailored to minimize.....and tear-apart the entire issue of climate change....and global warming! For starters, they grossly underestimated the size of the march, repeatedly stating it at about a hundred thousand people (but, at times, adding the phrase, Some say it may have been more, perhaps as high as three-hundred thousand.....classic FOX News disclaimer). After attempting to diminish the marchs popularity, the nitwit pinhead anchors and panelists then started the barrage of insults and finger-pointing. First, they chanted hypocrisy, because so many of the marchers drove fossil-fueled vehicles to get to the demonstration! Couldnt they ride their bikes, one of the panelists on THE FIVE asked. Next, the organizers and leaders of the march.....and the celebrities and politicians that support the cause who attended....were chastised for all the C02 they were releasing into the atmosphere with their limousines and private planes! Al Gore, in particular, was singled out because of all the energy he wastes at his lavish home! They repeatedly aired a clip of a conservative reporter trying to ask Al Gore for his reaction to gas prices going up (which would result from conversion to alternative energy sources). I couldnt make out what the former veeps response was and, of course, the pinheads just shrugged and shook their heads! Then came the repeated condemnation of the marchers themselves for being hypocritical, disrespectful and ignorant slobs by littering and polluting the streets of Manhattan themselves! They even went so far as to suggest at one point that they were polluting New York far more than any greenhouse gasses are! (My jaw dropped to the floor at that one.) Yes, FOX News, the litter from a large (and successful) organized demonstration is FAR more damaging to the environment than the millions of tons of toxins being endlessly being pumped into the atmosphere! Who is going to pay to clean up all their garbage? one of the panelists asked at one poitnt, and then answered her own question. The taxpayers, of course! I just dropped my face into my hands. Was there any comprehensive or substantial coverage, or discussion, of the events cause and purpose? Was there even a hint of commentary about the SUCCESS of this peaceful protest? Were there any interview clips documenting the positive aspects of this event and what it was trying to accomplish? I think you know the answers. With more shameless zeal than ever, the networks team tore apart the science as they always have, this time denying it point by point! Sea levels arent rising, the ice packs arent shrinking, global temperatures arent rising. Theres no scientific evidence for any of it, they said. And, while they reluctantly acknowledged that carbon emissions have increased, its not anywhere near as serious as has been NEARLY EVERY REPUTABLE SCIENTIST AND CLIMATE EXPERT ON THE PLANET! At the same time, they made a big deal that Murdochs print tool, THE WALL STREEET JOURNAL has reported that there were some scientists took issue with the findings....of the other 97% of the scientific community! Finally, when there was nothing left to criticize, the networks personalities then started belittling the entire climate change crisis itself, calling it far less of a threat guessed it.....ISIS, and terrrorism! The incessant drumbeat was that were busy being too concerned with something that may or may not happening when we should be far more vigilant to the REAL threat....Islamic extremism....and the terrorism it is breeding! On his program, Bill ORelly managed to pretty much side-step the climate-change topic, choosing instead to preach his solution to our current war on terrorism (We are at war! he declared repeatedly). He said we need boots on the ground, big time. But, acknowledging that most Americans dont WANT our own ground troops involved, he then put forth his bold idea of an army of mercenaries that we should assemble.....and force all of our allies to join with us in supporting and paying for, with dire consequences and severe penalties if they fail to do. so! We can do it! I know we can! he said. His guests didnt necessarily agree, so he interrupted and cut them off constantly, which is this pompous a**holes classic tactic. I could go on and on about how the channel spun every related story and kept returning to the terrorist fear-mongering, but whats the point. I think you get the idea. Finally, in disgust, I just turned off the TV and sat, silently, shaking my head, for five straight minutes, totally amazed at what I had seen and heard all day. It was just as JOHN STEWART has so often declared.....
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 01:58:13 +0000

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