Finding your Wiccan Name What is a Wiccan name? Many Wiccans - TopicsExpress


Finding your Wiccan Name What is a Wiccan name? Many Wiccans take on - or are given - a secret soul-name. This is the name they use only in ritual - their magickal name. This name is believed to hold great power. It encapsulates your Essential Self. It is your true name. To know your true name is to know a great deal about you. For this reason, your Wiccan name is held sacred and secret, generally divulged only to those who are held in perfect love and perfect trust. In most cases, this means those you Circle with. Plus, names have magickal power. The Power Of Naming There are tales and myths about the Power of naming in every culture, as far as I know. Even in the West, where we dont put much stock in these things, this belief survives in stories like Rumplestiltskin. People spend months, even years, picking the perfect baby names. When people get a new pet, the names they bestow tell us much about the person, if not the animal. Many traditions around the world speak of the power of names. The Bible vividly demonstrates the Power of naming. In the creation story, God named earth and light and so on, and they immediately sprang into being. When He gave Adam the ability to name the creatures, Adam gained dominion over them, which is to say, he gained knowledge of them, which grants Power over them. In everyday life, we dont know a person until we know their name. When asked about a stranger, we say, I dont know them. We dont reply I dont know their name - not unless we know other things about them. If we dont know their name, we feel we dont know them. Conversely, if we know their name, we feel we do know them. Who is that? Thats Bonnie. Knowing her name implies an insight into at least a little of what Bonnie is about. Why Do Wiccan Names Convey Such Power? Naming something is identifying it. And once you identify it, you know some things about it. Thats mint. Immediately you know the flavor, that its good for bad breath and upset tummies, that it grows like a weed, and perhaps much more. To know about yourself is a source of immense Power. Know Thyself is more a Commandment than a command. When you know yourself, you know God. And to name yourself, you must know yourself. Or be open to the Divine telling you . . . . Thats Part 1 of the power in names. The Power of Names: Magick Part 2 is the magickal component. Remember that speech is an incredibly powerful magickal tool. Taking an intentional name is like working a spell or setting a positive affirmation. Every time you say it or hear it, youre reminded of who you choose to be. And every time someone else says it, the energy moves within both of you. And then the Universe shifts to help you be that person. This effect is increased when it is a Wiccan name that you take, because youre using it between the worlds, where magick is natural. Wicca Names When we are Wiccan, baby names and pet names take on even more significance, because Wiccans know that a name has power. So when you choose to take a magickal name for yourself, give it at least as much thought as you might give to finding just the right baby name. Like this hypothetical baby, you will keep this name for many years. Others will know you, by your magickal name. It will be something, ideally that you can grow into, as you age. For more tips on finding your Wiccan name, please see the next article. Choosing Your Wiccan Name Choosing a Wiccan name is not just making one up. It must be discovered, like bones and baskets on an archeological site. The Divine gave your true name to you at the moment you chose to come to birth. It has been covered up with the years, but it is still there, waiting for you. And like the ancient bones and baskets, it holds great power and beauty within it. So all you need to do is access it. Like Michelangelo, all you need to do is take away whatever doesnt belong to you . . . -Masks and labels, -History and wounds, -Desires and fears that youve collected over the years When you remove the dust and debris of ages, you will find your Wiccan name shining there like a jewel within you. But this is only one way to choosing your Wiccan name. Many Witches choosing a Wiccan name that represents things that are sacred to them, that inspire them in some aspect of life, or that represents their matron Goddess. Journey Through Sacred Space Ritual, spell-casting, prayer, and meditation are tools that help you clear away the debris and find yourself. These are the tools that will help you uncover your Wiccan name. The process is the same as any magick . . . -Set a clear and strong intention to choose your Wiccan name -Send that spell/prayer into the quantum realm -Open and allow the universe to bring this desire to fruition -Attend to the signs and gifts you are given. -Offer your thanks in return. Pay Attention Journal every day about what you experienced and felt and noticed during the day. This practice of reflection is very useful in finding your witch name. Pay particular attention to the unexpected, the synchronistic, the startling. What messages did you receive this day? Now is the time to notice them. What symbols were used to convey these messages? The Divine will certainly send you hints of your Wiccan name, but if you dont take the time to notice what youve seen, itll go right past you. In fact, She has been all along, and you just havent noticed yet. A person with a stuffed-up head cant smell the flowers right in front of them. You need to clear some inner space, so the message can get through. This is where meditation is incredibly useful. Clearing the mind, you can perceive what is in front of your nose. Where To Find Your True Name -True names may come from any source. -Commonly, as inspiration for choosing a Wiccan name, witches use things like . . . -Plants, such as iris, sage, rowan -Elements, such as wind, rain, river, mountain, moon, star, forest -Gems, such as topaz, ruby -Animals, such as wolf, raven -Goddesses and Gods, such as Tara, Brighid, Artemis, Mary, Pan -Gifts, such as singer, dancer, weaver -But anything can provide you with your Wiccan name. -If you have special gifts, they may influence your true name. (Sometimes the name points to a gift you may not yet realize you have! That was certainly my experience.) -You may look for symbols of things that you resonate with. -You can research the meaning of names and the names of deities. You can even get ideas from baby names books. -But in the end, choosing your Wiccan name doesnt involve your brain. Thats been kept out of the secret. -A witch can name herself, but it is really a recognition of something she already has. A magickal name must come from the Divine, and be recognised in your heart. Well, I Guess You Can Make One Up -You werent going to let me get away with telling you what you can and cant do, were you? -Of course you can choose any Wiccan name you want. You can call yourself Stinky McPheeblefossy if you want to. (It does have a nice ring to it.) -The point Im trying to make here, though, is that a name that rings of your truest Essence will be a name of Power for you. It will be one you can aim to live up to, for the rest of your life. -Its worth taking your time to find the perfect Wiccan name for yourself. My Search for My Wiccan Name The search for my Wiccan name was the search for my true name, the one given to me before my birth, by the Divine. I offer this story to illustrate one womans journey to find her true name. May it inspire and encourage you on your journey. The Call When I was 30, I was in desperate need - so I felt - to change my name to something more real to me than what I had inherited. When I was searching for my name, it seemed to take forever. I considered all kinds of magickal names - nature names, Goddess names, animal names.., but none of them really felt right. At least, not right enough. I hunted for a name for years, growing more and more frustrated. The temptation to just grab one, ANY one, was great, but I knew I wouldnt be satisfied with that in the long run. The Breakthrough The turning point in my exploration came when I attended a 3-day Wicca workshop. Prior to going, I set a strong and clear intention to find my true name during the workshop. And I paid close attention to the images, the events, the beings I encountered, both internally and around me. I was trying very hard to be patient. By the end of the first day, though, I was really chafing. Was I never going to find it?! Still, it was a very powerful workshop. Starhawk was leading it, and the group energy was amazing. For example, at one point we invoked Kali. Suddenly we were startled by a huge crash outside. A massive tree had just inexplicably fallen, narrowly missing the cars parked around the building. That was the day I learnt to be very careful when calling Kali! So I kept up hope that my name would come to me. Finally, on the second day, we did a long trance journey to visit a Goddess. While with the Goddess, I had a vision. Suddenly I realized that this was a clue to my Wiccan name. I had caught the first half of my name! I knew it was only half, but I knew this half was true. A False Start Anxious to have my true name for once and for all, I thought and thought about what might be the second half of it. I found some ideas I liked, and put them to the test. This first (and second) version of a name I tried on made my friends wince and my mentors eyes bulge. The names were much too harsh. For me, Starhawks advice meant that even though I was in a place of healing, anger, even rage, fighting the injustices of the world, I could not take on a name that was of the fire-and-destruction variety. Even though I resonated with it strongly in the moment, it was not something positive to grow into. So I let it go. The Gift I knew something else had to come. I opened my eyes, and my other senses, and like water to the parched, the rest of my Wiccan name did come to me. It wasnt until I spent some time walking in the woods on Day 3, quietly paying attention, listening . . . . But when it finally came together, it was like a flash of light! It settled right on me. I could feel its fit. The Test Still, I didnt claim it immediately. I was leery of getting carried away in the excitement and choosing prematurely. I wanted to put it to the test, first. I was going to live with my Wiccan name for the rest of my life (I hoped), so I needed to make sure it was right. The symbolism was right. It meant something to me and reflected my inner being . . . even better than I knew at the time! Like good poetry, the name revealed itself to be more and more true, as my relationship with it developed. My friends and mentor didnt seem convinced that this new name suited me, but at least their red flags didnt go up. That was enough to pass the second test, because I was certain that it suited me. It did seem predestined, too, even though it would be years before I was aware of just how perfectly it fit me! When I was sure it passed Starhawks test of being a name I could grow into, I knew I had found my Wiccan name. And its been a true name. Ive been discovering layers and layers in it, and growing into the Divine as Ive grown into the name. And now, years later, Ive all but forgotten the agony of the search, in the pleasure of having my true name. It was certainly worth the wait to find the right name. I wish you the same joy. How To Know Your True Wiccan Name What is the test of a true Wiccan name? If choosing a Wiccan name is not a journey of imagination so much as one of self-discovery, then how can you know when you find the name that is right for you? -There are several criteria to use . . . -Symbolic meaning, -Numerological meaning, -Timelessness, -Sense of recognition, -Test-driving Symbolic Meaning of your Name The names meaning is of primary importance. A magickal name is inherently symbolic. It evokes images, qualities, sensations. So the first thing to think about is how the names meaning both suits you and reflects on you. The names meaning needs to suit who you are as a divine being, more than who you are in your personality. In other words, you may be going through a time of rage against the cruelty of the world, and find yourself attracted to names like Deaths Great Hand or Bloodmoon or some such. At times like this, its helpful to remember that your Wiccan name will bring its energy into your life. So if you want to bring anger into your life on a long-term basis, you might want to use those names. If you hope for more happiness in your future, though, you might choose a name that holds happier potential. Your name also reflects what you value and how you see the world. This reveals something about yourself to everyone who knows your Wiccan name. Let it be something that shows your inner beauty. Numerology of your Name Its a good idea to run your proposed magickal name through a numerology analysis. In fact, many Witches believe this is critical. Personally, I wouldnt go that far. But it can be useful, if only to help you clarify what kind of energy you want your name to carry. And it allows you to develop a deeper understanding of the name you would choose. Timelessness In her book, The Spiral Dance, Starhawk offers this advice for choosing a Wiccan name: Make Sure It Is A Name You Can Grow Into. This is the best advice Ive ever found on choosing a magickal name. . . or any other kind. -That makes a name one you can grow into, rather than outgrow? -Things that evokes timeless qualities, such as a beauty, love, peace, joy, community, Divinity, and so on are magickal names that anyone can grow into. -A name that suggests force, anger, grief, or other low-calibrating states of consciousness, is something you will grow out of, in time. At the very least, it will hold you back from potential spiritual development. -Choose a magickal name that inspires you to be all that you dream you could be. That is a name that will be a joy to you all your life. Does It Seem Predestined? Often your true name has been hinted at by the God/Goddess for years. When a Wiccan finds her craft name, there is a usually sense that it was right in front of you all along. Once again, listening within yourself is your best guide. Try It Out With Your Soul Friends It is also useful to try out a potential Wiccan name with your spiritual friends and mentors. Those who know your heart. They may not be able to tell you when youve found the right name, but they will certainly know when youre considering a wrong one. You need to be the final judge of your Wiccan name, of course, but if they know you, they will have useful insight to share. Sometimes when youre choosing you are too close to things to see clearly. I wish you fun in finding your true name. When You Change Your Name Once youve discovered your Wiccan name, you may feel a desire to change your name. Or at least adopt it in some formal way. This is entirely natural! Youve discovered a new level of truth about yourself. And your soul deeply desires to live in truth. So you probably cant wait to change your name to your new magickal name. There are two ways to go. One is to keep your Wiccan name for use only in sacred space. The other is to use it in your everyday life. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. Well explore them here. To change your name is to change something essential about you. A name is not just a sound or a bunch of letters. There is great power in a name. Your name reveals your essential nature. And, a Witch becomes her name. So this is an incredible transition in your life. Making a change of name is a rite of passage. It is a great step toward full authenticity. It is entirely appropriate to be aware of a name changes importance and celebrate it! Name-Change Ritual Create a ceremony for your new name change. It may be private, or with your Circle. It doesnt really matter where or how or with whom you celebrate it. What is important is that, on a soul level, with the awareness and support of the Divine, you claim your magickal name. And have your magickal name claim you! This kind of ritual need not be complex. The essence is to take ownership of the name . . . to acknowledge to yourself and the Divine that this is you. You can also ask the Divine and whatever Allies you have to help you live up to the fullest potential of your Wiccan name. Be aware that your name will change you. This is why its so important to find the right name, and make sure it passes the test of a true name. With Bright Blessings, e Dragonsong
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 14:27:38 +0000

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