Freedom aint free... Ferguson, St. Louis County and the State of - TopicsExpress


Freedom aint free... Ferguson, St. Louis County and the State of Misery have a tab, theyve run up millions of dollars in charges related to terrorizing and oppressing a community... and the push back costs money. You have no idea how many things it takes... big and small to pushback and to start/maintain resistance. People focus on the family and rightfully so, but we also need front line support, money to mobilize... money for everything. Im not gonna go into detail in an open forum or debate with people sitting in the comfort of their home, the same people who will spend $200 on a pair of Jordans, weed, weave or a video game system... are the same people who question and make excuses... no one is asking anyone to give blindly, the I dont trust so and so and I dont know where the money is going excuses are tired. Nothing is stopping you for coming out, seeing what is needed for yourself and supplying that... if your intent is truly to help.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 08:31:47 +0000

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