(From April 15th, 2014) Some are asking me to highlight what - TopicsExpress


(From April 15th, 2014) Some are asking me to highlight what is going on at the Bundy Ranch. I will ONCE AGAIN, assert myself on this matter. I do not have any love for the bureaucrats of the beltway. They are invaders, thugs, and bullies; I hope each and one of them spontaneously combust. At the same time I do not have any love for a bunch of white, bible-thumping, hyper reactionary, right wing, cattle ranchers from Nevada. Some ask me: How could you not care about the situation at the Bundy Ranch? Its the people rising up against the government! Well the fact of the matter is yes they are rising up against the government, but they are only out for themselves. The Bundy Ranch folks do not give a rats ass about the oppression that the marginalized face every day in inner cities across the United States. They do not care about financial equality for women. They do not care about ending bigotry. Before now, they did not care about speaking out against the military industrial complex. Most likely, during 2011-2012, these were the same exact people who were probably rooting for the destruction of the Occupy movement, and the left of center message that we promoted; speaking out against the very same exploitative capitalist system which was never intended for folks like them, yet of which, they wanted to defend. The only thing the Bundy Ranch cares about is their own ability to herd and kill cattle. THAT IS ALL. This is not about fighting the greater fight for the people. This is about them using people to FIGHT FOR THEM. If the Judeo-Christian God fearing, gun toting, bible thumping, extremist Tea Party types wish to use themselves as human shields to defend the property rights of a bunch of cattle herders who are just like them philosophically; then let them have at it. However those same people should not expect anyone from Occupy, (including myself to rally around them) after all the times they have literally spit at us when they passed us on the street, told us to take showers and get jobs, and cheered when the very same forces that we stood up to FIRST; beat us, arrested us, and made our lives a living hell for the better part of two years, just for speaking truth to power. I will risk my job, my liberty, and my life to speak truth to power in the fight that human rights are granted for the BENEFIT OF ALL. I will NOT risk my job, my liberty, or my life, to defend the property rights of those who sat on the sidelines and cheered for our destruction. Its as simple as that.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Apr 2014 17:23:29 +0000

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