Good day to all patrons, family and friends, Each week I (Mr. - TopicsExpress


Good day to all patrons, family and friends, Each week I (Mr. Magnum) certified master instructor and certified diet center consultant with over 50+ years’ experience in the health & fitness industry will share my life long knowledge with literature on health and fitness issues and also we will send some updated information on class schedule changes and gym information. If you feel that you do not want this information coming to you by e-mail, please forward a message to our e-mail and we will delete you off of the mailing list. We would like to thank each and every one of you for your continual patronage. Stay Lean in the Off-Season Introduction: In the off-season your focus should be to gain some weight mainly more’ lean body mass’ and work on your weak points. Sooner than you think it will once again be time to get lean and mean for your upcoming shows! One of the most common mistakes people make is gaining way too much weight or body fat.. You dont need to add 40 lbs of fat in order to build muscle! Quite the opposite! The more weight you gain the more weight youll have to lose when contest preparation begins. You see, when you must drop many pounds of body fat, your body falls into a catabolic state, meaning you dont only lose fat but also muscle tissue. By staying lean in the off-season you have a better chance to preserve your new muscle gains once you start your contest prep. Of course, it takes a little bit more work to stay in great shape all year around, but you will feel better and look better. Not bad, huh? Keep reading to learn about my secrets to stay lean and muscular… Dont Get Out Of Shape! When the season is over all you want to do is to eat, eat, and eat. Dont worry, you can do that for a day or two, but after those initial days your body will notice the change in your diet and start to store fat. Do yourself a favor and follow a healthy diet with minimum amounts of fast food. Keep Doing Cardio! Many people avoid cardio since its believed to prevent muscle gains. I disagree! When your heart is well-conditioned you will endure harder and more intense workouts in the gym. You also keep your body fluent at burning fat. To assure your muscles dont shrink, take care of your pre-workout and post-workout supplementation. Just like you down a whey protein shake with some simple sugar, creatine, and glutamine around your weight training workouts, you should use the same principles around your cardio training workouts. This strategy allows your body to keep your blood sugar at a steady state and that helps protects your muscles from shrinking. As long as you keep your cardio short but intense you have no reason to fear muscle loss. Dont Spread Your Calories Through Out The Day This is something you must have heard many times. Its being told the best way to lose fat and gain more muscle mass is to have many smaller meals each day with equal amounts of calories in each and one of them. I believe you get a better effect by making sure you decrease your servings of food when youre inactive and make your meals bigger before and after your workouts. When youve finished training, your muscles are starving and theres little risk your body will store extra calories as fat. The take home message is to supply your body with more calories when you need them and fewer calories when youre lying on your couch doing nothing like your off training days. Add Quality Calories To build lean mass you need to take in more calories than your body uses for staying at the same body composition. Are you not gaining any on the scale but you look bigger in the mirror? Well congratulations! You are adding lean mass while melting fat away from your physique! If youre having a hard time getting into shape you need to pay attention to your diet. Eat clean six days a week and enjoy your favorite junk food one day per week. How many calories you need to gain muscle depends on many things, but the best way to find out is by keeping a diet journal where you take notes about how many calories you take in along with the ratio of protein, carbs, and fat. If you gain weight and it looks like the weight is muscle and not merely body fat, you know youre on to something good. If you feel puffy you might need to make some adjustments and make a slight decrease in your calories. Dont Overtrain! You dont need to be in the gym five or six times a week to grow big. As a matter of fact it can be counterproductive since you never give your body some rest. Maybe youve been training almost every day of the week for a long time and your results have been good. Then you might feel you have no reason to mix up your routine. I suggest you do, take a leap of faith and work out with weights every other day and not more! You will experience a big increase in strength, motivation, and energy. You know what that tends to lead to? Muscle gain! Good luck, About the Author (ME) Ron Magnum is a professional active athlete for the last 35+ years and has been training with weights for 53 years and is also a Certified Master instructor, certified sports nutritionist & author. My message is that anyone can achieve their physique goals but there is no quick fix to an athletic physique. In my own words: There is no excuse for being out of shape if youre healthy, but you must be wanting and willing to make a change more than anything else in your life. Then nothing can stop you. Believe in yourself and achieve your personal goals and greatness, if that is your goal and let health and fitness be your true wealth. Keep and maintain the balance. Through my writings and personal knowledge each week that I share & in conjunction with my titles and awards on my personal website:, I only hope to inspire and empower with knowledge all of those men & women who are looking to attain the body of their dreams. Have a great and wonderful blessed DAY, Author / Ron Magnum Owner, Author, Directing Manager, Certified Master Instructor, Certified Exercise Therapist, Certified Sports nutritionist, Certified Kick Boxing Instructor, Certified Step Aerobics Instructor, Certified Diet Center Consultant, Retired Professional Athlete 3 Sports) Pro-Natural Bodybuilder Former Pro/Am Natural Mr. America, Pro-Wrestler (NEW ENGLAND WRESTLING ASSOCIATION) , Pro- Arm Wrestler – Undefeated Light heavyweight Champion (MONSTER ARM WRESTLING ASSOCIATION) and holder of many tittles , awards and accomplishments. (check out web site for titles and awards section) at: MAGNUM PRODIGY SIGNATURE SERIES ALL NATURAL SUPPLEMENTS ARE AVAILABLE AT THE FRONT COUNTER. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS PERTAINING TO WHAT IS AVAILABLE PLEASE SPEAK TO FRONT DESK PERSONEL AND MY PERSONAL TRAINERS. WE HAVE A HOST OF VITAMIN & MINERAL (MULTI-COMPLEX) SUPPLEMENTS FOR MEN & WOMEN, PROTEIN (ADVANCE WHEY FILTERED CONCENTRATE 2 POUNDS & 10 POUND CONTAINERS), THERM-EX (FAT BURNERS), JOINT COMPLEX (FOR JOINT PROBLEMS), 1 STERONE (NATURAL TESTSTOSTERONE INHANCERS (FOR MEN) IGF-1 (NATURAL GROWTH HORMONE INHANCER) - (FOR MEN), KRE- ALKALYN (PH BUFFERED CREATINE) & OTHER PRODUCTS FOR MALES & FEMALES. ALL PRODUCTS ARE ALL NATURAL INGREDIENTS... My FIRST PUBLISHED book the CHRONICLES AND EXCERPTS OF DIVINE WISDOM AND FOOD FOR THOUGHT “IS AVAILABLE TO PURCHASE AT THE FRONT DESK OF GYM AND BROWN & COMPANY BOOK MARK STORE ON FRONT STREET IN BERMUDA. IT CAN ALSO BE PURCHASED THRU BARNES & NOBLE, AMAZON.COM AND DORRANCE PUBLISHING COMPANY AT 1 (800) 788-7654 - General Customer line. • THE BEST OF THE BEST AND THE ELITE OF THE ELITE SUPERNATURAL PRO - CHAMPION OF ALL TIMES!!! SUPERNATURALLY, YOURS IN HEALTH & FITNESS! LIVE FREE OR DIE TRYING (MAGNUMS WAY!) TRUE HEALTH AND FITNESS IS NOT A 3 MONTH PERSONAL TRAINING SESSION OR PROGRAM BUT A LIFE LONG JOURNEY AND A COMMITMENT TO EXCEPTIONAL GREAT HEALTH AND LONGEVITY… “CHANGE YOUR WATER, CHANGE YOUR LIFE” WWW.MAGNUMALKALINEHEALINGWATERS.COM FOOD FOR THOUGHT GREAT INDIVIDUALS ALWAYS RISE ABOVE THEIR ADVERSITY BY TURNING TRIALS, TRIBULATIONS AND FAILURES INTO TRIUMPHS AND VICTORIES, OBSCURITY INTO FORTUNES AND WEALTH, AND WHAT THINGS WE CALL BURDENS INTO BLESSINGS. ABSOLUTELY THE GREATEST TRULY DRUG FREE NATURAL CHAMPION OF ALL TIMES / MAGNUM - THE MAGNIFICENT ROYAL IMPERIAL WARRIOR KING / ZIONS TRUE LORD & ETERNAL KING AND BLESSED IS HE THAT COMETH IN THE NAME OF THE LORD!!!
Posted on: Sun, 15 Jun 2014 08:56:38 +0000

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