Good morning people! Its time to get out of bed and get ready for - TopicsExpress


Good morning people! Its time to get out of bed and get ready for today, get ready to make it another great day! May be a day where you can see the things that money cant buy you. People say that money makes the world go round. But it’s the things that money can’t buy that give the world, and all the life it holds, value. There is an important difference between value and monetary value. Sadly, many people confuse the two and spend a lifetime chasing after that white rabbit. Life is as amazing as it is because every single person in the world is capable of accomplishing just about anything he or she could ever dream of. If you have the will to do it, you can find a way to make it a reality. Just be sure that what you are chasing after is worth chasing after. So what cant money buy you? Money cant buy you happiness. You can’t buy happiness. Sure, you can buy jet skis, and no one frowns while flying off ocean waves, but that’s joy not happiness. Joy does factor into happiness, but more than anything else, contentment is what matters. When you are content with yourself, what you have done with your life and with what you can still do with your life, you become happy. Why? Because you can’t find a reason to be unhappy. Money cant buy you real friendships. Friendship is one of the most valuable things in the world. Having relationships based on mutual respect is the only thing that allows societies to function as well as they do, as well as most do, anyhow. Friendship harnesses trust, and without trust, you cannot have a healthily functioning society. Moreover, having good friends in your life makes for a better life altogether. Money cant buy you family. You can’t put a price tag on family. They may be a pain most of the time, but the truth is that they more likely than not will have your back even when the rest of the world turns away. Family members are sort of like friends who are almost guaranteed to help you when you ask for help. Friends come and go, but family is there to stay. There’s little in life that can be accomplished entirely alone. Family ensures that you never really have to be alone. Money cant buy you honest love. Finding anything honest these days is hard enough, but finding honest love is by far the most difficult. It takes time to understand people and their true intentions as people are rarely the open books we believe them to be. Most individuals won’t ever open up to you enough for you to ever get to know who they really are. Honest love isn’t so much found as it is created and nurtured. It takes years to develop and a lifetime to maintain. However, when someone loves you for the rawest version of yourself, and you find that you love that person just as honestly in return, what the two of you have together makes up some of the greatest stories the world has ever heard of. Honest love may come with a price tag, but not a monetary one. Money cant buy you the ability we have to create change. This is probably the most undervalued aspect of life. The fact is that you can only matter to you, and then to other people. The only way you can matter to other people is if you either have or continue to influence their lives in some shape or form. Because you affect them in some way, you literally become a part of their lives. Become the part of enough people’s lives in a positive manner and the possibilities are endless. Remember, being happy is as simple as not having any reason to feel otherwise. The only other trick is understanding what is worth being unhappy over and what is trivial. You can’t purchase happiness, but when you learn to understand it, it becomes second nature.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 08:26:34 +0000

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