Greetings In the Stars for September The fall season is quickly - TopicsExpress


Greetings In the Stars for September The fall season is quickly approaching the transiting Sun is in the meticulous earth sign Virgo. This practical earth sign helps us get ready for the fall harvest. It promotes cleaning things up, organizing and getting ready for the change in season which we will have by mid- September the Sun will move into the air sign Libra and we have the Vernal Equinox. Due to the change in season our bodies start to crave and need a change in diet. This time of the year there is a cornucopia of root vegetables and fruit to choose from in order to prepare the immune system with the needed vitamins to ward off that change of season colds. The end of the summer season can be a time to really analyze the inner growth you have accomplished and prepare for the changes in the fall season. Consider the transformation like the butterfly out of the cocoon. Virgo is one of the symbols for the earth mother or divine feminine energies those attributed to the different faces of the Feminine creative force. In Virgo we have the energies of service, practicality, analysis and details. Virgo Sun sign people love to organize, plan and categorize all things in terms of where they belong; it’s as if they are keeping all things tidy for the greater order to remain in balance. Virgo is ruled by Mercury making these individuals exceptionally gifted with words and communication. They are inclined towards service and are dutiful and will fulfill all their obligations. They love to be motivated by action and do not tolerated laziness, tardiness or sloppiness in others. Virgos tend to be practical in their approach to solving problems which they love to work at just like puzzles. Some of their more obsessive behaviors to avoid are nit-picking about everything, and everyone. They can lack discernment therefore not being able to make a choice they see too many details so they get derailed by the details. They are likely to worry and fret over many things but seldom fritter away their precious time. They like to get things done fast, punctually and perfectly. They are devoted friends, loyal and all ways wanting to be compassionate and of service. They need to be useful and often make themselves be sought after because of this selfless trait. Happy Birthday Virgo! You are all finding that you are powerful and able to change anything this year as Pluto has been in a beneficial trine to your Sun- keep going for it! Also Jupiter is lending some financial and optimistic benefits as well as an increase in your sense of value. Neptune has been providing an extra dose of compassion, dreaminess and imagination. Your sense of direction will get better for those of you born in the middle of August. There is a continual play upon the themes of service, martyr, selfless, selfish and imaginative creative and spiritual or delusional. Make peace with these on- going themes and you will be a happier person. Mercury is now transiting through Virgo focusing on practical tasks, like cleaning and organizing amassing analytical data but moving forward where it is really useful for research and putting things together. It will shift into the social sign Libra by the second week of September increasing our capacity for socializing and seeking harmonious communication with others. Venus will move out of Libra and into the mysterious and intense water sign Scorpio where it will conjunct Saturn this month lending some very deep passionate insights into our sense of values and commitments to relationships or to the possessions we care about be they material objects or investments. Decisions are likely to carry a heavier weight to them this month. Mars continues its trek through the fire sign Leo coming into a square with serious Saturn in Scorpio, some possible themes are leadership verses stagnation, personal power and creativity verses authority, secretive ventures. This aspect can increase our ability to be creative and break through some limitations at its best. If you find yourself feeling frustrated this month it will pass by the end of the month as Mars trines Uranus and lends more creative energy to the flow of things. Jupiter the planet of expansion, beneficial outcomes, wisdom and the joy of self- confidence is moving through the emotional water sign Cancer where it is strong, until July 2014, helping us to remain mindful and to cherish what we have developed in the past that helps us grow our security structures weather they are psychological, material and new ideas for community. This transit will help us be more emotionally aware and sensitively attuned to caring for others–we are one family. This transit through of Jupiter through Cancer in trine aspect to Neptune in Pisces may be what is increasing the water and floods going on this year. Compassion and an increase in spiritual values will continue to be on the increase as we may be forced to surrender our attachment to the old paradigms which no longer serve our greater growth. Uranus and Pluto continue to square each other and play upon the themes of freedom and transformation helping us choose a new better paradigm to live our lives for change is the only constant-right? And this will be felt more powerfully this month as Pluto stations direct motion on Sept. 21rst. in time with the Sun entering into Libra September 22 and we have an intense Autumnal Equinox. Possible themes are: negotiations, socializing, power, coercion and control. The Lunar Cycle for September The New Moon starts the lunar cycle Sept. 5th in the practical earth sign Virgo. This is the time of new beginnings. The energy is great to start cleaning up the house, gardens and any projects you want to start this is a good time to do so. The Frist Quarter Moon occurs Sept. 12th in the enthusiastic fire sign Sagittarius. This lunar phase arouses our sense of adventure, fun, and perhaps a forward push on our goals and projects. This is a good day to go out and explore new horizons. The Harvest Moon occurs Sept. 19th in the mystical water sign Pisces. This Full Moon energizes our psychic sensitivity a great day for daydreaming, creating art and allowing yourself to float in your imagination. Giving thanks for a productive summer season as we are finishing the summer season. The Full Moon energy can increase the themes of hope, faith, abundance and appreciation in the face of uncertainty by residing in hope for next year’s growing season to return as all things move in cycles. Meditation or ceremony circles are a great way to send love and light to Gaia and all beings that live upon her. The bright lunar rays help illuminate those that are working late in the fields finishing up the harvesting of corn and other vegetables. The Last Quarter Moon occurs Sept. 26th in the emotionally sensitive water sign Cancer. This is a good time to be in touch with your feelings and decide what projects, plans or decisions you can make to have a new productive start next month. This is a good time to slow down, finish up projects and let go of whatever does not serve you any longer. As always the stars may incline us towards certain directions by their alignments in the cosmos but we ultimately by our awareness can decide our own destiny. Peace and Blessings Yahaira For readings on current transits call 928-203-6461 To unsubscribe reply with remove in the subject line J
Posted on: Sun, 01 Sep 2013 16:12:14 +0000

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