Hearing the decision not to indict the officer for the death of - TopicsExpress


Hearing the decision not to indict the officer for the death of Michael Brown was disheartening -- but not surprising. This decision to not uphold the law and hold the guilty accountable for their wrongful actions joins a long list of unanswered injustices: 1. 1994, Bronx, NY - Anthoney Baez, 29 years old, died of asphyxiation due to illegal choke hold used by police officer – officer acquitted of charges. 2. 1997, Brooklyn, NY – Abner Louima, 30 year old Haitian immigrant, wrongfully arrested, beaten by police officers on ride to station, kicked in scrotum, police officers squeezed his scrotum and then sodomized him with a broom handle, teeth broken by same broom handle that was forced into his mouth. Major internal injuries to rectum, colon that required 3 surgeries to fix. Police officers plead guilty and were sentenced. 3. 1999, Bronx, NY - Amadou Diallo, 23 years old immigrant from Guinea, shot to death by 4 plain clothes police officers 41 times while reaching for his wallet – officers acquitted of charges 4. 2006, Brooklyn, NY – Sean Bell, along with 2 others were shot at 51 times by plain clothes and NYPD the night before his wedding and who was murdered by these police officers – all officers were acquitted of all charges. 5. 2013, Sanford, FL – Trayvon Martin, age 17, gunned down by civilian because he was wearing a hoodie and walking home after coming from the store – civilian acquitted of all charges I remember the ANGER, FEAR and SENSE OF INJUSTICE following the subsequent TRAGEDY of the Rodney King incident in 1991 ( I was 21 then) … ANGER … that anyone in their right mind after watching that video tape of 30 officers standing around watching while 5-8 officers beat a man who was already on the ground, could say that they were NOT GUILTY and thereby sending a message to America that the actions of these officers were acceptable. FEAR … because where I grew up in New York, that kind of thing happened daily, and you never knew if a regular police stop would end up in someone losing their freedom or even their life. Where I grew up, police officers would even snatch guys (who they couldn’t charge) off the street on their off duty hours, drive them out to a remote area, beat them near death and then dump them somewhere. SENSE OF INJUSTICE … you had a videotape of illegal actions being done by officers that are supposed to protect the public, and they still were found innocent? TRAGEDY – the following riots after the Rodney King resulted in 51 people dying in those riots. The inaction of the people on that jury to do what they knew was right and charge those officers were not worth the lives of those 51 people who died, making an already tragic incident even worse. How do we, as Christians, find peace and even closure in the face of all these senseless injustices, especially as young people?? Let us look to the Bible for answers: In the Bible, we also find a long list of injustices: 1) Joseph sold into slavery by this brothers 2) Jeremiah, whose only crime was delivering the messages God instructed him to, thrown into prison (Jer. 32:2, 37:15, 21) 3) Isaiah, strongly presumed to be sawed in half by Manasseh, then King of Israel (Heb. 11:37) 4) Majority of prophets slain by their own people (Matt. 23: 37) 4) Stephen stoned to death by his own people for giving testimony in his own defense (Acts 7: 58-59) 5) All the apostle except John murdered 6) The most innocent of all… Jesus Christ…. Who was innocent, found guilty by the justice system and condemned to death. In history, during the Protestant Reformation, MILLIONS were put to death thru the Inquisition, burned at the stake, strangled, beheaded, hanged and every atrocity known to man at that time was done to millions of innocents. I believe that things like the murders of Trayvon Martin and Mike Brown and all these other killings is done purposely to agitate people. Why?? Because the IMAGE TO THE BEAST is being formed … Sunday Law is coming. And these things are the groundwork being laid to help bring about that law -- you see you have to get people sick and tired of the foolishness going on in the world, you have to create a sense of FEAR thru out society so people get to the point of being willing to give up their hard-won freedoms for the greater good of “protecting” society (Patriot Act, National Defense Authorization Act, cameras on all police officers, etc.) Fear is not of God: 1 John 4: 8 -- There is no FEAR in love; but perfect love casteth out FEAR: BECAUSE FEAR HATH TORMENT. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. Revelation 21: 8 -- But the FEARFUL, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. We see in Revelation 21: 8, that the fearful do not have a place in Heaven!! Fear is of the enemy – fear is of Satan! So the injustices we face today are not new, and they are going to continue to get worse, for Daniel 12: 1 says: And at that time shall MICHAEL stand up, THE GREAT PRINCE which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be A TIME OF TROUBLE, SUCH AS NEVER WAS SINCE THERE WAS A NATION EVEN TO THAT SAME TIME: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book. There is a time coming very soon where innocent Christians are once again going to be killed, ridiculed, thrown in jail, etc. for their beliefs, for keeping the Sabbath, and all that is happening in America, in the world today is directing us to that time – in fact it is already happening in parts of the world right now. We will never find “justice” in this Earth, John 16:33 says, “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. IN THE WORLD YE SHALL HAVE TRIBULATION: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” Where is the hope then??? Let’s again turn to the Bible. HOPE IN GOD’S JUSTICE: Exodus 34:7, Romans 12: 19, Psalms 37: 27-29, Isaiah 61: 8, Ecc. 3:17, Hebrews 10:30, 2 Chronicles 16: 9, Daniel 4: 17, Revelation 20: 12 HOPE IN GOD’S PROTECTION: Daniel 12:1, 2 Samuel 22: 3-4, Psalms 4: 8, Psalms 5:11, Psalms 32:7, Psalms: 41: 2, Psalms 51: 7, Psalms 121: 4-8, John 14: 27 If the prophets were killed, f all those millions of Protestants were killed, if Jesus himself who was innocent was killed, with no justice, no real trial and they were innocent.. do we really expect things to be any different today? When they start killing Sabbath keepers for no good reason...... we wont find justice in this Earth. But we do have a God who sees all, records all, and all will be brought before Him to give an account.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 17:12:30 +0000

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