Hello, My name is Sangman Jeon! I am Very happy to meet - TopicsExpress


Hello, My name is Sangman Jeon! I am Very happy to meet you. I would like to give you a special gift today. May I Have five minutes of your time? Thank you very much for giving me your time. Right now, I would like to introduce you to the blessed way to meet God. God’s goal in creating mankind (you) was so that He could be with them (you). Of all His creation, God gave human beings a spirit so they could know Him. To mankind alone, God gave the authority to rule over the earth and subdue it. When fish live in the water, and trees are rooted in the ground, there are no problems. Likewise, mankind, created in the image of God face no problems when they dwell with God. Mankind can only experience true happiness when they are with God. However, mankind deceived by the temptation of Satan, committed sin and became separated from God. As a result, the fellowship that existed between God and mankind was broken. Mankind became separated from God and spiritually dead. When a young child is separated from his parents, his unhappiness begins. Likewise, the moment mankind became separated from God, all of their problems began. “The Spiritual State of People Separated from God” Mankind, once children of God, became separated from God and fell into the dominion of Satan. As a result, mankind became spiritual orphans and began worshipping other things believing those things to be God. Although people seek happiness by trying different religions, they cannot be happy. Although people may accumulate great wealth and knowledge they do not have true peace in their hearts, thus they fall into greater destruction. They are afflicted by nightmares, spiritual oppression, hallucination, hearing strange voices, nervousness, emptiness, insomnia, depression, wetting their beds at nights, sleep walking, distrusting their spouse, dear of crowds, mental disorders, neuroses, family problems and the like. All sorts of illnesses, chronic and incurable diseases, curse, and calamities come upon them. People separated from God suffer illnesses that cannot be named or even diagnosed. After living a life of great suffering, they pass away without meeting God. After their death, they face judgment and go to hell ? eternally. Ultimately, all these problems are passed down to their children and future descendants down to the third and fourth generations. So what is the solution to this entire problem? Only when you meet God can you be freed from these problems!!! “The way to meet God” The Gospel ? Good news Mankind cannot meet God with his or her own strength. This is why God came to this earth in human flesh. Jesus Christ came to this earth clothed in human flesh. (John.1:14) Jesus Christ freed us from all of the problems that resulted from mankind’s separation from God. Jesus Christ shed his blood and gave his life on the cross, and as evidence that He is God, He rose again from the dead in three days. “Jesus is the Christ” (Matthew 16:16) Jesus means “Savior” (That is his name), Christ means, “The anointed” (This is his title). Jesus is the one and only way to meet God (John. 14:6) [True Prophet] Jesus took care of the sin that separated us from God, and the sins that we commit everyday-completely. (Romans 8:2) [True Priest] Jesus completely destroyed the devil’s authority who made us fall into sin. (1John.3:8) [True King] This Jesus who solved the problems that mankind could not possibly solve on their own, is the Christ. “The meaning of Acceptance and the Blessing of Acceptance” If you believe that Jesus Christ is the master of your heart and accept him into your heart then you will be completely freed from the forces of sin, Satan, curses, and the authority of hell. (John.1:12) Do you believe in the facts that I have shared with you? For “No”: You can only accept Him when you are alive. After dead, it is too late. For “Yes”: May you follow the prayer below. God of love, I am sinner. I believe you died on the cross and resurrected for my sins, to destroy Satan’s authority, and to completely solve all my life’s problems. At this moment, I accept Jesus into my heart as my personal Lord and savior. Come into my heart and reign in me. Help me to live enjoying my blessings as a child of God. Thank you so much for saving me. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen! No matter what happens, God will never leave you nor forsake you. He will be with you forever. If you would like, we can provide continuous guidance on living your Christian life. Just Contact me through FB or Just Call Me through the Cell phone number indicated on the Picture. Thank You Very Much For You Time!!
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 00:30:14 +0000

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