Here we go again with more liberal hypocrisy, folks. Recently our - TopicsExpress


Here we go again with more liberal hypocrisy, folks. Recently our glorious and truthful community organizer in chief was at a DCCC fundraising event. During his speech he made the ridiculous claim that the Republicans have been completely responsible for more than 500 filibusters since 2007. Listen to part of his speech: “Here’s what’s more disconcerting. Their (Republicans) willingness to say no to everything—the fact that since 2007, they have filibustered about 500 pieces of legislation that would help the middle class just gives you a sense of how opposed they are to any progress—has actually led to an increase in cynicism and discouragement among the people who were counting on us to fight for them.” This, along with his other recent claim about Democrats not voting in mid-term elections because ‘folks are busy,’ is just amazingly ridiculous. It is also incredibly far from the truth. Not to mention how disingenuous Obama is being by going back to when George Bush was president. Also, I liked how he tried to claim that this lack of compromise by the GOP is actually hurting the morale and resolve of Obama and Democratic party supporters! Heck, I wish it were only that easy. So, let’s unravel and peel this back a little. Democrats complain about Republican filibusters. They also include regular cloture motions as part of their count of filibusters. What they don’t explain is that cloture oftentimes becomes required due to the manner in which bills come to the floor. On top of all that, Dingy Harry wants to limit the ability to offer amendments, yet still fills up the amendment tree to essentially lock the Republicans out of the process…this is why many of the cloture calls are required. Amazingly, though, is the fact that even counting all of these cloture calls, Obama is still far off the mark. There have only been 133 of these, certainly not 500. Instead what Obama did is this: “Since 2007, there have been 527 cloture motions that have never been filed, according to Senate statistics. This is apparently where Obama got his figure. But this only tells part of the story as many of those cloture motions were simply dropped, never actually voted on, or ‘vitiated’ in the senatorial nomenclature… But, even if you accept the way Senate Democrats like to frame the issue, the president is still wrong. He referred to ‘legislation’—and most of these cloture motions concerned judicial and executive branch nominations. In the 113th Congress, for instance, 83 of the 136 cloture motions so far have concerned nominations, not legislation.” This is also why the rule changes made by Dingy Harry were focused primarily on nominations rather than legislation. This is also why Obama received another four-star Pinocchio rating on this claim. Heck, he might even have more of these than we do filibusters since 2007! Also, each bill can be subject to as many as three cloture motions. This obviously further inflates the numbers, making Obama’s claim even more false. Oh, and let’s not forget Senator Obama and his own record. He voted in support of filibusters eight times in his thirteen months in the chamber. What do YOU think? Another Obama lie exposed? Why would he be interested in something so trite as this? Maybe this is part of his campaign to distract voters away from ObamaCare and the poor economy?
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 16:57:20 +0000

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