How to recognize truth in the midst of lies He chose to give us - TopicsExpress


How to recognize truth in the midst of lies He chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of all he created. James 1:18 One of the most elaborate hoaxes in broadcast history was an April Fool’s joke played on the British Broadcasting Corporation’s current affairs program Panorama, with its rather dignified host Richard Dimbleby relating a story about the annual spaghetti harvest filmed in a Swiss-Italian spaghetti orchard. For the segment, the producers and cameramen actually flew to Switzerland and hung spaghetti on trees in an orchard. They then filmed local women climbing ladders with baskets and pulling the spaghetti off of the trees and filling their baskets full! And with guitar music added into the background, the final product was complete. At the end of the three-minute film Richard Dimbleby said, “Now we say goodnight to this first day of April.” In spite of that hint, the next morning it was surprising the number of people who didn’t recognize that the spaghetti harvest was a hoax. The BBC had pulled a big one off on countless viewers across Britain! It’s amazing how when something is presented to us by a credible source, we’ll often believe it without any questions. This is true when it comes to the lies of the enemy and the world, which often lure Christians into false beliefs. So don’t be hoodwinked by what the world says is true. Instead, focus on what God says is true and trust fully in Him! Prayer Challenge Pray that God would give you wisdom to discern His truth from the world’s lies. SLM
Posted on: Fri, 06 Sep 2013 08:39:18 +0000

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