I AM HEAVILY PREGNANT WITH MY HUBBY DEAREST MY JAANUS ONLY BABY BOY, I AM HEAVILY PREGNANT FROM THE PAST 4 YRS. I CRAVE A LOT FOR WATER WATER WATER , WATER MAKES ME FEEL RELIEVED YA. Drinking Enough Water During Pregnancy Take a moment to raise a glass (or eight) to a healthy pregnancy. Learn how to make sure youre drinking enough water (and why H2Os so great for your baby-to-be.) Is your impending motherhood driving you to drink? Well, it should — at least, it should drive you all the way to the water cooler. As an expectant mom, you dont need to drink more than the average Josephine — you just have to be doubly sure that youre drinking enough water (most people dont). You should get your daily share of eight glasses of water or other hydrating fluids and thats eight 8-ounce glasses, not eight of the munchkin-sized cups youll find at the water cooler). Whats so important about keeping yourself hydrated at 33 weeks pregnant — especially when youre staying hydrated for two? Here are a few good reasons to drink water during pregnancy: Water delivers the goods. Ever wonder how all those nutrients youre faithfully consuming every day are shipped to your fetus? It all starts with water — which facilitates the absorption of essential nutrients into the cells and transports vitamins, trace elements, minerals, and hormones to the blood cells. Its those nutrient-rich blood cells that reach the placenta and ultimately your baby — all with the help of H20. Water helps take out the trash. Youre not just eating and drinking for two, youre excreting for two — which means youll have more trash to take out of your system than ever before (yes, even more than you did after that all-you-can-eat hot wings night you and your girlfriends are still trying to forget). Enter water, which dissolves the waste products and helps flush them from the kidneys. Drinking enough water also keeps your urine nice and diluted, which not only keeps things flowing, but keeps UTIs at bay (urine that hangs out too long in your bladder can become a breeding ground for infection-triggering bacteria). And while you probably associate drinking water with peeing (and peeing, and peeing) — a copious consumption also helps immeasurably in the poop department, helping to move solid wastes more speedily down the digestive path. Water keeps you comfortable. The heats on when youre expecting (in case you havent noticed — or started keeping your bedroom at subarctic temperatures). If you drink water during pregnancy, you keep the bodys cooling system running smoothly even when your inner thermostats on high by dispersing excess heat (in the form of sweat). Plus, an ample flow of fluids keeps pregnancy fatigue in check (one of the first symptoms of dehydration is exhaustion) and keep headaches at bay. Water babies your skin. Got that itchy and scratchy feeling? Water to the rescue — drinking enough water combats dry skin by keeping you hydrated from the inside out, leaving you (almost) as soft as your baby-to-bes bottom. More oily than dry (and more pimply than smooth)? Raise your (water) glass to a clearer complexion. Water prevents puff. Heres a reason to drink water during pregnancy thats real swell: Though most women associate lots of water with water weight, the opposite is actually true. Paradoxically, drinking plenty of liquids can keep excessive water retention under control — and prevent you from becoming a puff mommy. While a certain amount of pregnancy edema is to be expected when youre expecting — and represents a normal and necessary increase in body fluids — keeping the fluids flowing can keep too many from accumulating where youd rather they didnt… like in your ankles. (Learn how you can ease swollen feet during pregnancy.) So now that youre thirsting for more — just where can you get it? Waters the best drink in the house (and the office), plus its readily available just about everywhere (just make sure you assess the safety of any tap youre tapping into before bringing that glass to your lips). Watered out? There are plenty of other liquids that make the cut: Milk (though youll need to drink slightly more, since milk is 10 percent solid), sparkling or flavored waters, fruit and vegetable juices (to keep fruit juice calories from running too high a tab, dilute them with sparkling water), decaffeinated teas, and clear soups are all great choices. Youll also get plenty of liquids in some solids (such as watermelon or lettuce). Limit your intake of soda (sugar-full or sugar-free), as well as of beverages containing caffeine, since they have a diuretic effect. (There are other reasons to cut the caffeine during pregnancy.) And space out your sips — keep the fluids coming steadily throughout the day rather than gulping more than two glassfuls at one sitting (not only can too many fluids taken at once literally flood your system, but they can fill you up too much — plus bring on the bloat). Bottoms up!
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 15:52:29 +0000

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