I am very pleased to announce that I have been approached to be a - TopicsExpress


I am very pleased to announce that I have been approached to be a headline performer at the 2015 Boston Music Festival (UK) in Lincolnshire. The music festival (specifically set up for undiscovered artists) runs from May to the middle of September 2015. The organiser is currently investigating the possibility of having an orchestra from Boston (UK) supporting my original piano compositions, made up of some professional musicians with a few younger teens from a local youth orchestra playing as well. As I am always very keen to encourage and support younger artists from all over the world I was delighted that this aspect has been included in the performances! I will be playing a concert of two 45 minute sessions in Boston, with other venues under negotiation, which may include a Cathedral. For the first time ever I will be receiving a fee for performing my music! I have been asked to supply an article about myself as a composer and some background information about my music for the local press, and a well-known magazine wants progress updates about the festival. They are hoping that a fan base may be generated in the area before I arrive for the concerts next year. My details have already been passed over to a producer at a local radio station in the Boston area. I consider this to be an incredible opportunity to spread the news about my music. Festivals are a brilliant place to share music and build up a new following. Tim very kindly described my music as being “a treasure that has been hidden for too long!” I have been given permission to sell signed copies of my CD debut album “Eagle Mountain” and any other promotional material at any of the venues. I am looking forward to working on this new project and watching to see what develops as this new door opens! I will keep you updated with the progress as the story unfolds. I think that 2015 could be an exciting year! Robert Steven Hunt (composer), Rob.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 19:10:19 +0000

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