I caught this song on the radio and it reminded me of a story that - TopicsExpress


I caught this song on the radio and it reminded me of a story that has only been told to a handful of friends: Years ago my brother Big Poppa Schnake and I were driving back from a Shooto event in St. Louis that he announced and I covered for the magazine. About three fourths the way home we were nearly out of gas with about $20 between the two of us. Suffering from hunger and sleep deprivation, we pulled into a random truck stop for the night just outside of Nowhereville, USA. My van had no AC and the humidity from the rain was unbearable. The insects and condensation were so thick that we joked about the scene from ‘Platoon’ where Charlie Sheen’s watch was even foggy. Broke and alone in the middle of nowhere we were pretty sure that we were going to be murdered in our sleep and even suggested taking turns on ‘watch’… not that we had anything but some empty Diet Dew cans and a quarter case of fight-shirts to rob us for. While I’m not a huge Steve Winwood fan, this song came on the radio and really set the tone for the two of us for many years to come. Since that day I have reflected on the moment, and how the lowest point of my life has now become a highlight. While I rarely hear this song played in public, it comes to mind often. From my experience things really do get better, no matter how bad they may seem at the moment. Rest in peace my friend, I will see you soon.
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 00:11:25 +0000

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