I have no anger or vengeance. I understand all are just doing what - TopicsExpress


I have no anger or vengeance. I understand all are just doing what they know and here is the solution the Universe has provided me: NOTICE TO PRINCIPAL IS NOTICE TO ALL AGENTS Theft of honest services and obstruction of justice by the London City Police Department. I am the living woman the dweller of the address known as 711 Sevilla Park Pl., London, Ontario, Canada. I have been robbed of my home and all of my belonging by a fraud mortgage company alleged Firstline Mortgages, on the morning of September 15, 2014 and put out on the street to live. Two men impersonating my public servants showed up at my home at approximately nine oclock in the morning, ignored my notice of no trespass, forced their way through the front door, knocked me to the floor, put their knees in the center of my back, and placed hand cuffs upon me. Then they put me in their fake police car for almost two hours with the window up in the heat. Then I was taken to the London City Police Department. During the kidnapping of myself to the police station I told Constable Vandermeer that I had been calling them to help me for six weeks and was refused apparently because I informed the officer on the phone that my given name was stolen at birth and owned by the Crown through copyright in all caps letters, so to consider me just one of the people. She said they will not come without being given my name and I called for assistance three times. I also told Vandemeer he will now see done to himself, his mother and children what he did to me for this criminal Crown their fraud mortgage companies and banks. I told him he would do well for himself to go to his bank manager with a request for Proof of Funding Letter which none can produce. At the station I was placed in front of the fake Sargent where my assailant Vandermeer said he charged me with, trespassing, assault and resisting arrest. To which I responded that he was lying and was viciously told to shut up by my alleged Public Servant the Sargent, and taken to be finger printed, then placed in a cell for seven hours and upon requesting a drink of water was given an empty foam cup placed under the cell bars. Then I was taken to the London City Court House and placed into a cell there with two young girls also placed under false arrest. On the way to the court house to be taken to court one fake officer threatened me with two years jail for signing as the witness instead of the stolen name and said they should put me in the Exeter Road jail until noon the next day so I could remember the name. By the way once anyone tells you criminals pretending to be Police Officers, judges and lawyers the name is not theirs you are to refrain from asking again as you place yourselves in a position of execution for treason against the people you took an oath to serve and protect. Now I am placed in a little box in their court room. The judge ask me what my name is? I tell him it was bought to my attention about six months ago that the name is not mine that it was copyrighted by the Crown and so it is a fraud for me to use it and that he was not allowed to ask me for it again. He then asked if my birthday was correct. I told him no as far as I know it is just hearsay. Then he asked the lawyer (liar) for the fraud mortgage company what their charges are against me? She said they charged me with trespassing (in my own dwelling no less), assault against the police officer cause I slammed the door shut as he was pushing through and resisting arrest which I never had a chance to do being jumped on by to men three times the size of me. Then the duty council offered to help me so she came and asked me if they could call me one of the names cause there are so many different versions of it and I said yes so long as you know that none of those names are me or mine. My identity is stolen by the Crown! then the judge demanded I give him an address where I would be staying and told me I was to come back to the police station the next day to confirm I was staying there and I was to show up in court on Thursday morning or they would have me arrested again. Having no place to go to I not knowing the address of friends or family the duty council told me she would call and check to see if their is a crash bed at the womens mission. She checked and said there was none so I would have to stay at the mens mission and sleep with the men. The judge then re-iterated to me that I was to return to the police station and confirm my address and I was released but would be arrested if I did not return. Then everybody scurried out of the court room leaving me with the clerk who lead me to the office to sign the release documents. The counter clerk gave me the papers and I signed them the witness which she started to protest but changed her mind and said you will be arrested if you do not return here. To which I said, When and if I come back to this court house there will be a lot of people arrested but I will not be one of them. To you who are reading this notice. I hope for your sake you are acting under your oath to serve and protect me and all people dwelling in the community of the City of London and will do the job you elected to do as our Public Servant adhering to your oath to not willfully harm another their property or their liberty, serving and protecting yourself, your family and your community. I require the immediate return and possession of my dwelling known as 711 Sevilla Park Pl, London, Ontario and all of my belongings stolen leaving me with only the clothing on my back free of all fraudulent liens. I expect you to attend to the matter of Ontario Health Care de-activated my health card and Ontario Works terminating any means of livelihood or sustenance food and shelter to me as per your oath. I expect that all fake Public Servants especially those who have stolen our utilities such as electricity and gas for heat and are cutting these life necessities off from the people of London by the hundreds with no care in an attempt to blackmail and extort money from the people, to be immediately removed from their positions in our Public Services and replaced with honorable citizens. I expect an investigation into the fraud Firstline Mortgage owners (attorneys own all of these firms) and arrest of all involved in this fiasco of crimes against myself and the people of this community via theft of homes and property using fantasy mortgages. I also require you if you are not my Public Servant and instead aiding and abetting the theft of my property under the guise of a Public Servant to immediately place yourself under arrest. Meaning you are to pack up and leave the premises the people have provided you to service the community lest you spend the remainder of your life in jail or place all those you know in violation of their oath under arrest. You are also required to create a posse of honorable men and women to enter the banks and return to yourselves and the people of our community their natural borne inheritance the Trust Accounts provided to all people at birth titled with each of our names as a means of livelihood and creation but stolen by the Crown Corporation and used to draw blood and the murder all of humanity with your Public Servant assistance. As a witness in the name of Jesus Christ and my creator God this is your final notice and you must govern yourself accordingly. I will present myself to you upon completion of your duty to restore justice to the people. 9/23/2014 Peace to you and all of Gods creation.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 03:03:15 +0000

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