I spoke to Justice Rescue 3:30am I feel so defeated and saddened - TopicsExpress


I spoke to Justice Rescue 3:30am I feel so defeated and saddened for the safety of all pets not just the cats I am trying to save...seems as if there is nothing immediate that we can legally do to save these cats... There is an enclosed house in the chicken coop that you can see in the video. It is not waterproof and the cats are getting wet and their water will freeze because there is no heat. This is considered sufficient shelter for the cats by the law so again we need to keep the pressure on the owners and we need to focus on making new laws that protect all pets... Quality of life is my concern and being caged and exposed to the elements is not acceptable for any pet... I have been advised to keep the pressure on the owners and hopefully they will surrender the cats to someone willing to try and reason with them. Justice Rescue is going to try to talk the owners into surrendering these poor guys next week. They are very busy saving much more serious cases. They ask not to call the police but I now ask that you call the coding inspector to report the structure so we can try to be successful in saving these cats using another angle. AND KEEP REPORTING TO THE SPCA. The animals must be up to date on their shots... the owners will be cited and given 30 days to comply if they do no then they are forced to surrender the cats... this is what I was told by the AC Officer of Kent County. CODE ENFORCEMENT: 302.395.5555 The address is 13 Windsor Road Wilmington De 19809 New Castle County... PLEASE EVERYONE FILE A REPORT SO WE CAN GET THE CODING OFFICIALS OUT TO THE PROPERTY ASAP. STRENGTH IN NUMBERS IN OUR ONLY HOPE!!!! ALSO KEEP CALLING THE SPCA. THESE CATS ARE NOT UP TO DATE WITH ANY SHOTS. NONE OF THEM HAVE EVER BEEN TO A VET. SPCA of DE: AL MELIKA: 302.998.2281 ex 324 Delaware Animal Care & Control/First State Animal Center: 302-698-3006 FLOOD YOUR CALLS AND REPORTS TO THESE NUMBERS... JUSTIC RESCUE IS ASKING NO TO CALL THE POLICE. SO PLEASE KEEP CALLING THE NUMBERS ABOVE UNTIL WE GET THESE CATS TO SAFETY. I am still working on the TV stations and will keep trying to work on getting a new law in place to better protect pets that are chained or caged. ANIMAL CRUELTY HAS GOT TO STOP. PLease do not give up and forget about these guys caged up in this cold weather. Happy Thanksgiving... give your family and pets extra thanks and consider the less fortunate who have no one to love or properly care for them.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 16:29:43 +0000

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