IF ONLY YOU HAV A DREAM THEN THIS IS A MUST READ. This three trees - TopicsExpress


IF ONLY YOU HAV A DREAM THEN THIS IS A MUST READ. This three trees were very good friends. One day they decided to share their dreams:- the Baobab tree said when i die i will want to be used for carrying precious minerals like gold diamond etc. The Oak tree said he wants to be used for expensive funiture that famous and wealthy men will pay a price for. But the Crux tree said i dont ever want to die but stand tall always that anytime men comes around it glory will be given to God and it will make it the most important tree on earth. One day the chain saw operator came and cut down all the three trees, the two trees mocked at the Crux tree for allowing itself to be cut down. The oak tree was actually used for furniture as it wanted, the baobab was actualy good for nothing but later was made into a boat for fishing but Jesus the most fanous and precious person ti ever exist on earth used it to share the most valuable thing on earth the word of God. Because the crux was so hard they abondoned it for many years without any use until one day they needed a wood to use as the most disgraceful punishment on earth but finaly Jesus was the one to be hanged on it and till today anytime the death of Jesus is remembered the crux tree has a reason to be happy because it is the only that after death was planted to stand tall again. Now what is your dream how imposible does it look? I prophecy that with God it shall surely come to pass. Amen.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 20:14:34 +0000

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