INTERVIEW OF ILIAS L. KATSIAMPAS IN WEB SITE: WWW.ESOTERICA.GR The Interview was given in May and it is presented from May 22, 2002 1) Tell us a few things about yourself. (A small biographic note) and your attribute in the Omakoios of Trikala and Thessaloniki. I was born in 1965 in Trikala, where I grew up and I reside now. From a very young age (13 years old), I had intense internal searches and after multifarious studies of five years and acquaintances with differents schools, I came in touch with the personal work of my spiritual Master Nikolaos A. Margioris (1913-1993). From that moment (1993) and in a time period shorter than 4 years, I was supplied gradually and I studied deliberately all his 189 works in which I discovered continually an inexhaustible Treasure of Esoteric Knowledge that shake me as, on the one hand it was something unfamiliar for the Greek writing facts, and on the other hand because, in spite of the volumes of the analogous books that I had read from time to time, it was the first time that I saw revealing accumulated so much KNOWLEDGE (combined with real LOVE), given analytically, popularized and mainly experiencingly by a true Initiate and even Greek. Parallelly, I entered the Schools of (Omakoio of Athens) and all the activities it developped (Metaphysic Philosophy, Esoteric Theology, Systems of Yoga, Esoteric Therapeutics etc.), and I stayed until his physical end (1993), being taught beside him. And particularly the last 4 years, I had the luck to be enlisted in his private cycle and to communicate continually and directly with him, having the special privillege - permission to ask him CONTINUALLY, inexorable, insistent and deepest ontological and cosmogonical questions for which I always took substantial, thorough, squelchy and catalytical answers. Parts of my personal relation with Master Nikolaos A. Margioris - with many other data - are described in my first work under the title From the Masters mouth to the students ear, with a thorough glossary of Sanscrit of 400 words. In January 1992, under the permission and the wishes of Master Nikolaos A. Margioris, I founded the Esoteric School of the Omakoio of Trikala which he himself inaugurated, under the presence of host of his students. Since then, I continue unceasingly to afford openhanded the knowledge and the experience that I derived from the Master in every man who really wants to be informed about the deepest folds of himself and of the Creation, giving it at the same time, all the required practical means to grow in his own will and dynamics the opening of the contact with its inner Source of Life and of All. In 1999, I extended the activities of the Omakoio of Trikala also in Thessaloniki, where I founded the Omakoio of Thessaloniki. Concerning the external, I am a graduate of the Physical Training and I have been working for 10 years as journalist in Trikala. 2) What is your opinion about the founder of the Omakoio? What different does his teaching bring in relation with the rest ancient and modern Masters? Independently of my personal view that I will express below, a general unprejudiced. estimation of everyone seriously occupied with the esoteric area on N. Marioris work is orientated to that we have to do with an unfamiliar, self-powered, innovating Greek presence in the area of the Esoterism and not only that undoubtedly constitutes an inestimable CAPITAL for our country and more generally. My personal experience and view (if certainly, may have some value) is that Nikolaos Marioris was a man who contained within him all the depth of the Occultist Greatness of the Creation, mixed and crowned with the Mystic Experience that constitutes a fellowman that is titled as Initiate (occultist and mystic). He himself in his unique (first and last) interview in the issue 20 (December 1992), of the metaphysical magazine Third Eye some months before his physical death, selfrevealed, declared Christocentricn and Christocratic Mystic. And the titre of the relevant article was The Patriarch of the Greek Metaphysics. In any case, we ought to accentuate that only the personal contact with the writer of the work (75 writinngs in total) can give someone the CENTRAL IDEA that is included in the person and in the experience of Marioris and extract his whatever sure conclusions of his own, out of the estimations of anybody and certainly, ours. Still a detail. The perfection of any degree is conquered in our world, as high or even highest it may be, it has a relative character, since it is found, definitely, in the matter (under limitation), but because it works about aimlessly and communicates with the eternal, it has a continual connection with the INFINITENESS and a continual perception and reduction of hyperousian Truths, that only the proper IMPLEMENTS of the LORD are enabled. Nikolaos Margioris teaching does not carry nor promises any salvation of new type in the humanity. Simply, it revives and mixes at an important extent - through the personal filter of his accomplishment in the basis of the modern reality and necessity the ancient Greek initiation, the Egyptian initiation, the Indian initiation, and finally the Christianic Inner Initiation in a harmonious coexistence and co-course of capabilities and opportunities that comes from the personal need for the covering of the researches of every man separately. But except all the aforementioned, the different par excellence in the teachings and in the writings of Nikolaos A. Margioris, is that he gives a personal, absolutely HIS OWN ANSWER in the great subject of every times, the ESCHATOLOGICAL (Apocalypse of N. Margioris). His mystic soul reveals its experiencesa and tries to give the answer by means and organ the Mind and the pen for the hyperintellectual and hyperconscious events. On the basis of these, an eternal creative circle is unrolled, that the WORD coordinates and creates, that in our human language, today is called Jesus Christ. His full Spiritual Vision (His Mystic Life) is stamped in many of his books, as Birth and Death of the Worlds and of the Beings etc., (see our site, for the first time in public, in a very accessible, incomparable and exhaustive confidence for all the stages of the Creativeness, the Laws that rule it, the Hyperbeings that govern internally and the One Beginning of Everything. Birth, Maintenance, Death and Absence of every Expression give a hypper-panoramic, unprecedented in depth and analysis, inexhaustible present, which according to our humble opinion, is USEFUL to come in KNOWLEDGE of every seriously occupied, independelntly of placement and representation. 3) Why are there many Omakoia today in Greece? Which is their relation? As I aforementioned, Master Nikolaos A. Margioris founded in 1978, for the first time in Greece, the Omakoio of Athens (Omakoio, Om-akouin = by the word omou=together we hear a high esoteric teaching or still we hear the OM, the perfect sound). Very later and after a long instruction his students-shafts on his consent founded analogous neopythagorean practical philosophic schools which he himself inaugurated. Precisely, in October of 1990, the Omakoio of Lamia was founded with responsible Dimitris and Koula Tsapara and in January of 1992, the Omakoio of Trikala was founded with responsible Ilias Katsiampas. After the departure of the Master (May 1993), Smaro Kosmaoglou, his assistant, undertook the continuance of the Omakoio of Athens. The three above Omakoios are selfsufficient, selfpowered and independent organizations-metaphysical schools in a fullness of esoteric activities and certainly, each one has his own master and its own personal separate responsibility and vibrating transmittance of the Esoterism. After the metastasis of Master N. Marioris and by the passage of the years, these three mothernal Omakoia proceeded in an expansion of their activities. Thus, the Omakoio of Athens made branches in Corfu, in Piraeus and in Rhodes. The Omakoio of Lamia in Callithea of Athens and the Omakoio of Trikala in Thessaloniki, while his students are activivated instructively in two parts in Karditsa. Two more activities by old staffs of N. Margioris are developed in Comotini and in Loutraki of Corinthia. Finally, all the Omakoios are found in a Liberal Pythagorean Philosophic Association among them through the common service of the Deposits of Nikolaos Margioris, the spiritual Master, that mix not only his personal spiritual experience (modern revelations of N. A. Margioris), but aldo the Knowledge of the East and of the West, as they derived antediluvianly by their mother hestia-source, the larger area of Mediterranean, by our ancestors pregreeks, the called Dravidians, who were the opponents of the Atlantins. 4) What you consider that the present problems are at the place of the esoteric search today in Greece? Some of the problems that the area of the Esoteric Search meets are in general the dogmatism, the intolerance, the prejudice, the uperstition, the maculation, the religious fanatism, the egoism and the general insufficiency of elementary intelligence and wel-balanced sentiment or and the utility of many of the opposite bank. (many times, also of the here) of special or not special who undertake fluently modern crucifications against the freedom of the thought, against the handling of the ideas, the right of the choice of all of us, of diferent extremities that divide and blackmail from a power position the sentimental and psychic world of our fellowmen, exert to them unbearable and unacceptable psychological pressure and they sow phobias and stress, elevating FALSE separating walls between the supposed truth and not truth. Their responsibilty is IMMENSE, because they force psychologically and retain voluntarily by any means the human souls where arbitrarily and ritualistically they orientate this truth and they are ACCOUNTABLE for it, because they press and inhibit the free psychic impetus for the evolution of many fellowmen of ours. The Karma they construct is extremely heavy and it will be filled at the utmost. Still, we have the case of many supposed representatives rather of themselves, who without having chanced of teachers or rushed by the need for self-certification or still for an easy getting, they construct enterprises of elucidation and of guidance of the simple problems of the very credulous” world, obtaining an exploitation of it and giving bounty to a wholesale mud-slinging of the Holy Metaphysical Esoteric Science and of its partial branches to the profit of their pocket, of their ego, and at the expense of the social whole and of the truth. It is true that a DELIMINATION is required but these are not easy things at all and even if there are at some extent, they do not become easily accepted nor even understood. Only the abundant spread of the ESOTERIC EDUCATION to every direction will enforce the mechanisms of defence of our society but also of ourselves) and by the time, it will appreciate and will prefer the quality than the quantity, the knowledge than the ignorance, the experience itself than the humble faith or the served halfknowledge that leads to the purposeful misleading and a traducement of every healthy qualititaive philosophic system of local or foreign. But the three great problems are not concentrated in all the aforementioned that come rather to help us to rub us, to wake us, maybe also to purify us in karmic. The greatest problems were always located, are located and will be located in us ourselves and in all what we bear within us, as imperfections, bonds and attachments that must little by little be mastered and be subjugated in order that the LIGHT of the soul, the Christic connection, the Esoteric Blissful Peace find a clear ground and sihne. All the rest external obstacles it is food (and true) to see them as difficulties of opportunities that Lord cares to place in front of us in order to discharge us from our own past karmic error-loads, in order to help us to take the ascension and to accelerate creatively our internal progress, epicuring always our fellowmn so that also he himself comes a step further where he is found today. 5) Why should one study and be occupied with the Esoterism? What would be his practical profit? The Esoterism or otherwise the Metaphysics as it is generally known, contains two significant legs. On the one hand, we have the Occultism or the Secretism, that is the occupation with everything that not only remains unsearched and unsolved by the daughter of the Occultism, the science, but it is also driven by and it behaves in the immense pulsedepth of the 13 esodimensions of the Omnicreation, of the 7th founding ray in which we belong from the total of the 13 that the Divine Plan presented for the Universes. Other tendencies for the Antiuniverses and let us not mention the Hyperuniverses, where the Thesis - Throne of the Inemovability” of the Father... (see Experiencing Discoveries of Nikolaos Margioris in his books Birth and Death of the Worlds, Esoteric Philosophy, Posthumous Life, Esoteric Initiation, Ioannis Apocalypse and susidiarily Reincarnation, Karma, Occultism 3 volumes, Metaphysical Encyclopaeid of two volumes, 34 essays, 49 issues of the journal Omakoio, studies by correspondence, etc. On the other hand, we have the Mysticism (see Nikolaos Margioris books, Christocentric and Christocratic Mysticism, The Theurgy teaches the eternal way of the soul, the work Mystic Teaching of three volumes, etc) that concerns one and only exclusively fact. The unbreakable union - society - touch between the Creator and the creature and the full indifference for every creature except Him from Whom everything comes, are exempted and end. Under the above meaning, the occupation with the Esotericism that includes these two data, is ALL to man, because he is in position to inform him in an incredible depth and large for all the questions of substance, that touch the Ontological and Cosmogonic matter (of its life itself finally) and give him by the time the opportunity to create even by his intellectual function a representative ESOTERIC IMAGE of our world (and of the esocoms) and of the Laws that rule the Creation, understand the role and the purpose for which he is found here and undertake in responsibility his individual and collective responsibilities throug qualitative continual struggles with him himself in order, gradually and firmly, to surpass the dug of the rationalism and of the perishness and to embrace that of the eternity - spirituality hyperintellectualMfunction of the Mind), that is of his soulspirit. Of the Mystery of Life itself. Only thus he will be able to understand that he is found as an actor in the center of a direction (magic or otherwise halucination), which he must definitely perform but it is an error to be indentified with it nd with his external himself that constitutes a reflection of this theatrical scene (action) which we call threedimensional world, that has a date of end, like the mummy - body we all bear. Here is his maximal and substantial PRACTICAL PROFIT. Definitely, the health and the harmony, of the body, Mind and sou is pressuposed and obtained according to the zeal of the occupation of everyone and then the decision for the search of the indivisible follows, for a society with the soul or and for a full detachment from the karmic and reincarnating bonds, that in depth constitutes also the only true salvation, that comes from a continual selfevolution of multifarious and multidimensional struggle at the field of th battle of the daily tended to the christmaking of the human life. 6) What is the future of the Esoterism in Greece and in the world? The future of the Esoterism in Greece, as in general in the world, is traced rather positive. We can and we must be optimist, because it appears through that a relax begins of the every suffocating bonds of the freedom by sterile dogmatisms and by frenzied and extreme fanatisms, that will not be missed definitely, but they will not be able to have the same power and the same influence of the yesterday. However this optimism constitutes simultaneously and REQUIREMENT by every esoterist, of any step and in every land, to show the maximum possible self-denying (self-refusal) of his own being in order to transmit or to sow as more as possible esoteric irritations in larger masses of people and physically to provide an openhanded instruction and continual teaching to the directly interested without be spared of time, labour and provision of knowledge. At the same time he must not fail to certify continually the reduction of the egoism on himself, to find the power through his inabilities and his defi ciencies, to break continually the fractions that erect in front of him, to be reborn and to inspire the people that trust him, with works and not only with words. Finally, without scorning the external laws and NOBODY fellowman to pursue the alignment in every sacrifice with the divine laws that direct as Divine Plan all the Creation. Only thus we believe that the SUN of the Truth will rise somehow faster and truer in larger percentages of men and they will take in turn the taste of the joy and of the peace and they themselves but also the society that surrounds them, that will be continually more human in order to approach by the time its angelic side that - in the borders of the recycling of the spiritual and material civilizations - are condensed in the future marvel of his presence third Greek - spiritual - civilization that is also called Valley of Rhodes.... Always, however, together with Athena, move your hand. 7) Do you believe that an effort of union of the esoteric groups in Greece should exist? If not, why? Theoretically, every effort of contact (not union) is legitimate and at a reasonable extent it can be pursued. Mainly for purposes that touch an elementary recognition of the philosophical - metaphysical schools from the state or of the mutual acquaintance - mutual contact and of any discussion and probable exchange of views with sincerity and respect among the representatitves. But even these appear somehow difficult and maybe uncertain to their effects, their utility or possibly to the frankness and the motives of everyone. The human factor and the human deficiencies contribute surely to it. Independently of the position and the role the evolution of man unfortunately is not accomplished with leaps either definitely with titres and attributions of degrees nor with beautiful and splendid dressing and expressions nor closely with the Knowlege nor with the various forms of representations, not with little or great unions nor certainly with any acceptance of the Truth. A personal struggle of life if not of lives is required... om a clear and definte way of choice of identification but also of action for every man. Our little experience but also the general acceptanc by all those who have been involved in such contacts, presumes the difficult and perhaps also aimless of the whole matter about the union. Besides, all the great Masters created their OWN way of elevation that the smaller masters and students supported and followed. They did not unite in ONE all the partial paths but they let everyone choose what approaches and expresses its own psychosynthesis, which does not seem to be able to change anyhow in the future. The karmic peculiarities of every peoples and of every nation and of all the partial groups and subcategories start from a different point of development and impetus and end in a different termination, higher or lower. It cannot be otherwise. Therefore, the position of every small of greater carrier of Esoteric Truths is to remain firm on its own pure work and due to this fact, to produce his own work with others that cannot be under actually to have the same vibration, the same purity, nativity or not, greater or smaller depth and quality of teaching and the same gradation of acceptance, absorption and mainly of creating assimilation or incorporation more or less scale of searchers. Each one where he is enlisted. Besides, the word Union is identified with the word Perfection – Singularity. Only single examples bear within them the UNION of this kind. Its outward application, however, is an improbable piece and it presupposes the union of the whole humanity first INTERNALLY… that in the meantime it will have rather followed the law of the immateriality… We think that it is a common perception that all what about the union is rather hyperambitious opinions (in order not to use the word utopian) or more precisely hyperidealized situations that do not represent, in our opinion, the reality. And if in part, some similar tendency appears, it will be mainly theoretical, very borderline, sometimes a little experimental and certainly without any substantial, practical facing. We believe that by estimating realistically the matters, no effectiveness of such an effort appears through neither for the immediate nor for the far future, that we do not think can contribute in something definite, on the contrary it is possible that it will make even the existing definite obscure indeed foggy or even hideous and rather increase the confusion of the world about the Esoteric Reality, complicating the individualized paths and the separate representations – vibrations. 8) What is your opinion, in the view that we should be occupied only with our own Greek Tradition because this is what suits us and not by the traditions and the esoterism of the other civilizations and nations? Every man is PANFREE according His Creator himself, to choose and to occupy with what he considers useful and indispensable for himself that even if his choice is proved a posteriori unlucky or wrong. The experience and the free search of the Truth are beyond EVERYTHING and an indefensible right of every individualized spiritsoul directly from its Creator, provided definitely that by the time it ends in a weight and in a clear personal way of elevation. Otherwise, it is lost in the mess of the huge metaphysical field, that like in the standings of the external society, a pleiad of different herbage, good and bad, gentle and wild, grow. Our own perception, as it was expressed and formulated in the word and in the works of N. Margioris, concerns that consideration – it results also from a series of external documents (tokens): glossological, anthropological, archeological, mythological, religious and metaphysical – that raise the view that the three civilizations of the Indians, Egyptians and Greeks (and of their branches on all the Earth) have common their antediluvian and at an extent their postdiluvian origin from a common hestia-source that is concentrated in the basin of the Mediterranean Sea. Everyone concerned mat find analytical details and data in the books of Nikolaos Margioris “Dravidians, the Ancestors of the Greeks”, “Desymbolism of the Greek Mythology”, “In the Days of Minos, the great King of Crete”, “Elefsinian Mysteries”, “Pythagorean Arithmosophy”, “Socrate’s last day”, “Pharao Akenaton”, etc. According to the above, the Greek-Prehellenic Spirit is not limited in as much data of knowledge have been saved until today or in the lost stone books of the Elefsinian Mysteries etc., but in the Whole of ALL the above Civilizations that were scattered in various directions plus the Esoteric dimension of the Christianity that have A Primeval Hestia from which they came and they emanated. Therefore, the common resultant of our occupation with the Total of the above civilizations and Spiritual Deposits (theoretically and practically) and not only, constitutes OUR OWN tradition of all the HUMANITY, that flew from our far ancestors (earthy, out-terrestrial and hyperterrestrial and needs a deepest study and consideration in order that we find its “obscure” and original roots or at least those that are more combatable with the individualized course of evolution of today for everyone of us. Here we consider necessary to underline that he who did not commune the spiritual knowledge of our ancestors, as almost “selfsame” were saved until today in the sovereign Mystic Systems of the East and of the West (Hinduism, Esoteric Christianity, Orhpism-Pythagorism-Platonism etc.), he who was not given with a particular zeal in Karma, Gnani, Bhakti, Kundalini and Raja Yoga did not learn anything in this life and will fall short in the perpetuity of true ESOTERIC supplies (of Esoteric Education) and of substantial spiritual distinction and of high orientation. It is self-understood that also his steps will be either feigned or mark time or forcefully and slightly -possibly also misleadingly - Certainly, all the above require additionally the CLOSE catalytic relation between the student and the master, without which nothing real and at no sector in our world walks. 9) What is your opinion about the globalization? The Esoterism, as the word itself says, is occupied exclusively and only with the inner facts of the Creation, and not with the outer ones. What we see happening all about us, composes the accomplishment of the collective karmik command of the humanity and in general, it constitutes the parcelling of the just internal impetus of the life currents, that most clearly directs to an opening of the societies, of the peoples, of the religions, of the nations, of the economies, of the civilizations, of the philosophies, the sciences and the states among them. The so-called globalization tends, by the whichever inhibitions of the step of the individual and collective “ego” to follow this internal impulse, which, however appears to us still immature or interwoven with narrow-minded self-interests and low efforts of guidance of the “powerful” to the less powerful, who surely structure the new karmic causes of the future to the responsible while in parallel, they discharge from the old, the suffering. Thus, undoubtedly it has within it the seed of the truth that starts from deepest internal deterministic causes, but we consider that much work and great maturity is needed to the people (to all of us), in order to learn to assimilate it as more as possible and to handle it in the most virtuous, collective, total and liberating way. In this, the rearrangement of ourselves that passes through the sieve of the Free and Open Esoteric Education to every direction, will play a greatest importance. Which for the time being happens in a slight and very digestible to improper form for the many people and only to the fewer it finds at some extent, the proper assimilation and performance. The true Esotericism is not at all affected by the rightly understood Globalization nor is touched by its bad copies, on the contrary it follows from inside the happenings, while at the same time it contributes and is sided up absolutely with the acceleration of its materialization on healthy moralspiritual basis and criteria. 10) Which are the next plans of the Omakoio of Trikala and of Thessaloniki? The general orientation of the Omakoio of Trikala is that the rare wealth of the Esoteric Experiencing Knowledge of Nikolaos Margioris and of all the really Great who passed from our planet and compose high STANDARDS: Jesus Christ, Ap. Paul, Ap. Ioannis, Orfeas, Pythagoras, Plotinos, Plato, Orighenis, Sankara, Ramakrisna, Vivekananda, Theofilos Kairis, Akenaton or Saint Germain and many others) be spread continually and by degrees, to as large as possible layers of people. But primely, our basic care is to transmit and to train everyone really concerned who feels himself near our Philosophic consideration and wishes to be taught of it systematically, in order that as great and as selfsame as possible pieces of esoteric pearls are given him and all those practical outlets (see works of N. Margioris: The secret of Hatha Yoga, Kriya Yoga - method of bodypsychic therapeutics, Karma, Raja Yoga - elevation of the Mind from the conscience to the hyperconscience, Meditation, White Magic - Theurgy - Esoteric Therapeutics etc.) in order that it begins a reconstruction of itself in the psychopneumatic standards of the Excellent Spiritually and a parallel support of his fellowmen. The basic, empiric and high gnomon for us is the person, the work and the real example of our Master Nikolaos Margioris, that is concentrated in the greatness of the Theosis, either by the selfenlightment (Meditation - Yoga - Samanti) or by the Christic Accomplishment (Mysticism - Divine Grace). Finally, we are open to every well-intentioned searcher who wishes by our little aid, to effect a completed, dreamlike and unreachable, deep gnostic travel - adventure, one more ODYSSEY of collective well-balanced coexistence and coevolution in the turbulent life for the reformation of himself, which can, if he dares it, direct him above this life or even bring him in a substantial CONSCIOUSNESS that nobody and nothing will be able anymore to touch or alter his IMAGE about the Truth. In our site in the Internet ( every concerned may find summaries and contents about all the 189 works of the modern spiritual master Nikolaos A. Margioris and choose whichever he estimates that interest him. In parallel, he has the opportunity to be also informed about the Schools (Omakoios) that continue unimpededly his work, as well as about the activities that they develop. Also, recently we gave an interview that is gusted at the website of the ( At your disposal for any further detail or clarification you may need. With sincere than kings Ilias L. Katsiampas Responsible of Philosophic - Metaphysic Schools, Yoga and Shiatsu Omakoios of Trikala and of Thessaloniki 21 Kefallinias str, 42100 Trikala, Greece Tel & Fax: 0030-24310-75505 or mobile: 6974-580768 Web site: or omakoio.blogspot E-mail: [email protected] or omakoeio@gmail P.S.: Those who are interested in Nikolaos Margiori’s work and particularly in the possibility of its publication in the English language, are requested to communicate with Ilias Katsiampas, at the address: 21 Kefallinias str., 42100 Trikala, Greece. Tel. and Fax: 0030-24310-75505 or mobile: 6974-580768. Web Site: http// E-mail: [email protected]
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 21:58:23 +0000

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