If your neighbor posted a sign on their property saying that you - TopicsExpress


If your neighbor posted a sign on their property saying that you carried a gun with you, and it had your photo on it, what would you do? Sounds far fetched doesnt it. Well maybe not so - From: kaaltv/article/stories/S3586421.shtml?cat=10151 A sign posted in a front yard brings an interesting debate. At the center of it, your constitutional rights. In the past few weeks there’s been a number of stories involving guns on school property in Olmsted County. The issue Friday is a gun near school property and the way one woman is voicing her concern. Matthew Halleck brings his two girls to and from the outskirts of Harriet Bishop Elementary in Rochester every day. Im going to protect my children anyway I can,” said Halleck. For Matthew, that means carrying a concealed gun that he has a permit for, while adhering to all legal boundaries. Its not crossing the street here, where the crosswalk is, its making sure its concealed so the kids cant see it,” he said. But Matthew is no longer the only one who knows hes carrying a gun. Recently a sign went up in a front yard across the street from the school. It has Matthew’s picture on it and reads, This man carries a loaded gun around your children every day. Since we dont have a way to stop him, we felt it was important to notify the neighborhood and the parents that there is an armed man in their presence,” said Kimberly Edson, a Rochester resident who put the sign up. The first couple days of school he had it very visible, we saw it and were quite concerned,” she said. Kimberly called the police the day the picture was taken, but they said Matthew has a legal right to carry off school property. Matthew also contacted authorities concerning the sign, and while they briefly took the sign down, it was eventually determined that Kimberly was also breaking no laws. He has a 2nd Amendment right to carry the gun, I have my 1st Amendment right to say that I dont like it,” said Edson. ABC 6 News contacted Rochester Public Schools about the issue who released a statement saying, “We cannot comment on this as it is not a school matter; however, Rochester Public Schools holds the safety of our students and staff at the highest priority.” Both Kimberly and Matthew have the same reason for doing what theyre doing. They both say it comes down to the safety of the children. I have a responsibility to help create the kind of community I want to see, and I dont want to see a community where there are guns around schools,” said Edson. If it heightens the awareness for folks out there that are confident enough, and see the changes in the world to add an extra layer of protection, I encourage people to do it,” said Halleck. Kimberly says she plans on putting more signs up about her view on gun culture. Meanwhile, Matthew says hes contemplating a libel lawsuit. Matthew is the past president of the Harriet Bishop PTSA and he unsuccessfully ran for the Rochester Public School Board this year. End of story Well I think I would have to make it a point of making sure I am armed all the time since she now has shouted to the world I carry a gun. Isnt the reason we carry just to protect ourselves and others from harm? This women should be sued for reckless endangerment of this man and his children. I can tell you if it was me I would have signs created and put them right next to that womens sign THIS PERSON (picture) DOES NOT CARRY A GUN AND IS THEREFORE UNARMED. And see if she takes hers down right away and ask for me to take mine down. Some people need to have reality slap them in the head sometimes.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 17:47:24 +0000

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