Ill tell you what accounts for this, its the continual flooding of - TopicsExpress


Ill tell you what accounts for this, its the continual flooding of purposeful lies and false attack ads, paid for by rich Billionaires, who just happen to have a large stake in big insurance corporations, they do this in this fashion, to give plausible deniability to their insurance interests, shielding them from public backlash, by pretending no knowledge of whats going on and by pretending that they are all for the ACA, which could not be further from the truth!! These false attack ads and tactics are too numerous to mention, coupled with this fact, in all of the states controlled by the Republicans (The Red States if you will..), they have refused to expand Medicaid, against the loud voices of their people and they have done it on purpose, in an effort to effectively, hold down the numbers of ACA sign-ups, were they not doing this, the ACA would be doing greater than it is, by the very numbers, that they keep putting heavy emphasis upon, which is why they keep pointing to the numbers. Its because the Republicans are actively cheating the count, by withholding access to the benefits, of an expanded Medicaid program (Which none of the states have to pay for at all, for the first three years and only, have to cover 10% of the costs going forward, after this time..) and also, to give the profiteers of big insurance, a clear opportunity to create endless ACA horror stories without merit.. These so-called Horror Stories are completely fabricated and then are further embellished, with pure lies and complete distortions of the facts in each case. In each case, the lies have been clearly debunked, but just as with everything else, because the President is black. Republicans, the Billionaires and big insurance, should all be called out, for all that they are doing behind the scenes, trying to actively sham the ACA, with all of these false horror stories, they keep purposefully generating, along with all of the blatant misinformation, they keep putting out in the public forum!! Republican followers believe it all, hook, line and sinker, just as they believe that people of color are taking something from them, by getting welfare and food stamps, when in reality, the majority of people on welfare and food stamps, are by the facts and truth, white and live in these same Red States, that keep buying into the lies and remain, some of the most racist places in America, their main belief, lies in pure denial of proven facts and truth...
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 15:14:25 +0000

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