In response to our stories and pics, we sometimes hear the - TopicsExpress


In response to our stories and pics, we sometimes hear the reply... I love what you do. I wish I could help but I live far away. Or Id love to help seals... but Im too young (...or too old). To which we reply, Anyone can help... from anywhere! A great example... we recently received an email from 12-year-old Clara Salazar that we *loved* and want to share with our followers. Heres part of what Clara wrote: I just wanted to say, after I watched a DVD about 3 years ago, about what you do at The Marine Mammal Center ( it was NOVA Ocean Animal Emergency). I have been inspired to help. I have always been interested in animals, and I love learning about them. I’m definitely going to spread more awareness in my school this year. One day I hope to come and visit TMMC! I will continue my efforts here on the other side of America (I live in Virginia)! I will never stop helping our environment. Along with her email, Clara sent a picture she drew, and a photo of herself picking up trash on a beach while she was on vacation. Anyone can help our flippered friends... from anywhere! Recycle, cut plastic packing strips before you recycle them, join river or beach cleanup drives... tell your friends and family about the Marine Mammal Center. Theres a lot you can do to help! Our flippered friends thank you so much for your efforts, Clara. Youre very welcome to visit us, any time!
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 22:00:10 +0000

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