It is Time to Re-Declare, our Independence today, 238 years later. - TopicsExpress


It is Time to Re-Declare, our Independence today, 238 years later. The Declaration of Independence, starts off this giving US the Duty, to remove the Government that is Ruling our Nation. This is the Government, our Founding Fathers, warned US about. Just like, the one JFK warned US about, in his Secret Society Speech. I believe we under under the Rule of the very Evil Royals we Declared our Independence from in 1776. The Royal Family of Liars, along with their Royal War Pig Bankers. I believe America was Sold in 1913, with the creation, of the Federal Reserve. The Royals learned long ago, the way to control a Nation, is to become its Banker. Then, create False Flag Operations (9/11) which Trigger False Flag Wars (Iraq, Afghanistan, and pending Nuclear WW III) burying the Nation in Debt. Literally, Bury them. We Fell for the oldest trick, in the Royal Book, made of of Secrets and Lies. It has been used to take down, every Great Empire, before US. Control is the Name of the Royals Game. History proves, if the cant control, they kill. I believe Lady Di could Testify to that. But, I believe they killed her, after they couldnt control her. Just like, JFK, my Namesake. Just like, Joan of Arc, my Bloodline. Just like, Jesus, my Savior. I believe there is a Royal Plot, having US live out The End of the Christian Calendar, based on The Beginning. Goes, with the War on Christmas today, symbolized by X-Mas. I believe this is part, of a larger Royal Plot delivering on the promise of a New World Order, by Skulls and Bones Secret Society Member Bush 41. Hitler promised a New World Order! Goes with Skulls and Bones Bush 41, being the Son of Skulls and Bones Prescott Bush, his Royal War Pig Banks were shut down for Funding the Nazis in WW II. We allowed the Son and Grandson of the Banker to the Nazis to become President. What could possibly go wrong? Everything! I have seen many things things that suggest our current so-called President, Whats His Name born in Who Knows Where, is a Product of the Skulls and Bones Bush 41s Secret CIA. The Skulls and Bones Bushs and Skulls and Bones John Kerry are in the Bloodline of the Royals from across the Pond. Imagine that. The Royals and The Nazis have a long Courtship. But its suppose to be a Secret. Everything is a Secret. When forced to talk, the Lie. Its in their Royal Nazi Inbreed Blood. Just like, Messages from above, are in my Blood. I believe the Message of the Spirit of Truth (John 16:13) is: The Truth or The End. The Truth will set US Free (John 8:32). Free at last. Free at last. Free and Independent. Nuclear World War, against the Great Enemy from the North, as we stand by the side of Israel until the day we die,is being created as I write. That War Scenario, along with the New World Order, comes straight out of the Book of Revelation in the Bible. Its, The End Story, written by John. I believe it directly relates, to the Message I have received, from above. I believe we will Die, if we continue to Live, the 9/11 Lie. There are things that suggest 9/11 came out of Revelation 9:11. I believe we are living out Chapter 13, of the Book of Revelation, today, Is Obama Nation being Led into the Abomination of Desolation? I believe John 16 represents The Truth in my Message. I believe 13 represents The End. Our choice. The People must give all our Public Servants, past and present, the same choice. The Truth or The End. It is Time for the largest Independent Investigation, of our so-called Government, that this so-called Nation has ever witnessed. I believe most, if not all, will be removed from Office in short order. They need to decide whether, they want to be Suspects, or Witnesses in the Case of 9/11, I can only imagine, what the Penalty, for just the Cover-up of 9/11 is. There are now 1,000,000 Cases of Pre-Meditated First Degree Murder, tied to 9/11, and Wars based on it. We have almost that number of Cases of Physically, and Mentally Injured Troops, returning home to the VA Scandal. Those, were the lucky ones, not to come home in False Flag Draped Coffins. How can any True American look, the other way, on that? The State, of this Union, is Pathetic. A direct reflection, of the Pathological Liars, Ruling it. Also, ruining it, for all of US. The Truth is the Word of God. The Truth and The People, seeking and speaking it, are the Enemy of this Nation. Being, Ruled under Secrets and Lies. The Truth has been turned into a Conspiracy Theory. Based on that Theory, God will be the next Enemy, and his Word the next Conspiracy Theory. Drop the Theories, lets talk Conspiracies. I believe there is a Mass Conspiracy and Mass Cover-up, includes the Mass Media, of the Destruction of America. Everything America has stood for, has been lost, because The People refuse to stand for The Truth. Stand now, or forever hold our peace, as in RIP. Skulls and Bones Secret Society is known as the Brotherhood of Death. I believe we are about to find that out, the hard way, but we wont be around to hear about it. Just the name, Skulls and Bones, should have been a clue. Our Choice in the Election after 9/11 (2004) was Skulls and Bones Royal Bush 43 vs Skulls and Bones Royal Kerry. We got, Skulls and Bones Royalty,either way. No Outsiders allowed to uncover Inside Job? I believe the 2004 Election proves our Elections are Rigged and the Two Partys are really One. The Federalist Party, part of the World Federalist Movement. One New World Order, as promised by Hitler, and Skulls and Bones Bush 41. Many of our so-called Leaders, past and present, have spoke of the New World Order. They are talking about, the Destruction of America, in my Book. I believe we have Acts of Treason, in the highest degree, being committed at he highest levels of our Imperfect Union. United we Stand / Divided we Fall. Come Together, right now, over me. I believe The People should give our so-called President and Commander and Chief, whoever he is, one chance to obey his Oath. He is our easiest Path, to the Truth. But, not the one.We must bring all those involved in the Conspiracy, to Destroy America, to Justice. Upon Conviction, take everything, they have. Its the only answer, we have left. Its called the Truth, its the Word of God. It should have been the only acceptable answer, coming from our Public Servants, to begin with. It is Time, for US, to show them who the real Masters of this Nation are. If not, I believe we will all be Servants. Followed by, Death. The Time is Now. Tomorrow is not promised from above. God Bless the United States of America. Because, we need it. See my entire facebook page, its my Book - Change 2014. It follows Change 2013 and Change 2012. PS: Dont shoot the Messenger. Its Gods Call of Duty for all of US. Peace.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 12:32:53 +0000

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