It is with deep sadness that I come visit with you today, my - TopicsExpress


It is with deep sadness that I come visit with you today, my wonderful beautiful world. I have been absent. My aunt Ghameeda Bull neē Nordien passed in her sleep last Thursday morning. Her diabetes progressed to lung and heart failure and her body succumbed to it’s end. It has been an emotionally demanding period. I shall miss my aunt dearly. She was a magnificent influence. I learnt from her – the beauty of charity. I smile from ear to ear, in gratitude for her role in my life. My tears salty in consciousness of my privilege. She taught me the value of one of our most important duties as Muslims. The value of charity. Although I had always known to share is good, it was not until I was 19 years of age, that I started to learn the HAPPINESS that sharing could bring. I had been independent for a year and was accustomed to visiting my mother’s sisters each month, with a token from my salary. It was aunty Ghameeda who taught me how honourable and generous happiness really is. I would arrive at her house with a single carrier bag of goodies and pocket money. However, each and every time that I handed her my offering, she would make me sit down. Then she would count what I had given her. Then she would split it into three portions and wrap the two portions in tissue paper. Then, with a huge and incredibly honoured smile, she would instruct me to hand one tissue to the mosque and the other tissue to one of her sisters! No matter what I told her, she would always win the battle and get me to re-distribute her Blessings. GOD IS GREAT! God is Great! In turn, through the years, I also learnt to not hand groceries in order that I not cause her struggling children humiliation. I also learnt that no amount of physical discomfort can dampen the true spirit. I have been learning from her all my life and now – now I can do no more than appreciate all the goodness she inspired within me. Now, all I can do, is pray that I may be more than her through all her examples. As it was her wish to be as strong as me – it is now my wish to be stronger than her. For she was beautiful without compare. As we all are. Through this unselfishness of hers, I learnt some of my own level of generosity. It is near boundless now, dare I dream. Over 25 years since I started delivering her tissues, I am cast in my character which was increased indescribably because of her. Aunty Ghameeda lived in Belhar, a low-income community. She was evicted from District Six near 35 years ago. She had 5 children and an education at grade 7. Her youngest son passed with a heart attack at the age of 35, two years ago. She had diabetes and only one leg with an incomplete foot attached. She has been in a wheelchair for several years and suffered severely these past 10 years. Her smile never ever faded and her acceptance of her restrictions was truly admirable. She had unfailing and undoubting Faith in Allah Most Divine and including her very last moments – she was satisfied with her lot and her journey. She died grateful and honoured to have lived. She was graced to us for 68 years. May God Almighty Grant her the most beautiful place in Aaghirah (The Hereafter) Insha Allah (If God Wills). May she attain the favoured rewards of Jannah (Heaven) and dwell in peace through eternity Insha Allah (If God Wills) Ameen. I live humbled and deeply Blessed to have known her. May she rest in Peace.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Jul 2013 23:09:38 +0000

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