It took me 3 years to watch this video. i finally watched it 2 - TopicsExpress


It took me 3 years to watch this video. i finally watched it 2 weeks ago with a very dear frined of mine. I sat there in awe at what i saw and what my loved one goes thru on a daily basis. when i approched my loved one she said this is what its like. As i was watching the tears just kinda came. Then at the very end of the video i saw myself. walking in and acting like everything is peaches and cream pulling my loved one, yet again, from her dillousional thoughts. all i could say thru the whole thing was at the end thats me and my heart sank. so all those people that think people with severe mental illness are weak THINK AGAIN. i dare you to watch this video and imagine this as your life day in and day out. BUT yet my loved one gets out of bed, gets dressed, cleans themselves up, has a smile that melts your heart on there face and still continues to grin and giggle just aboout everyday. that is a pillar of strength. and i couldt be more proud of my loved one that i am every day. and proud of the family member that supports her with me. he may be young in age but his heart has aged with this. and he is the one who tries to help me when she is bad. he has been known to stand outside the shower checking on her every few minutes to make sure the showdow people leave her alone while she is in there. he has stayed up with me till wee hours of the morning helping me when they are scared they wont uncover there eyes. Or help me when she takes off running cause some hideious thing is chasing her. He has even gone with me to try to find a person that she kicked out of the house in the rain in the middle of the night because she thought she saw something on a text that wasnt there. he may be a teenager but he is an amazing young man who loves his loved one very deeply. e is battling to come to terms with an illness that defys all logic. some day i hope he accepts them and rids himself of all the anger that surrounds his relationship and just accepts that it takes all type of people to make the world go around. and knows that this loved one never has anything negative to say and always praises everything he does. For the first time EVER this young man askd about the illness about a month ago. it has always been a closed subject with him. he shot questions at me like he was at a firing range. one fast shot afte another. me barely being able to catch my breath before the next one. iknow it was years of questions that he has had bottled up. what seemed like a minute was actuallly about 45 when he finally lloked up at me he had tears in his eyes and said i cant imagine living in that kind of world. So to all those people out there that say i cant accept it, i cant deal with it, i cant talk about it, i cant hear about it, i dont want to know anyting abouot mental illness. of this young man can break down a barrier and reach out of his comfort zone then maybe everyone else can do the same. learn, educate yourself. knwo that mental illness comes in many differnt shape and sizes. it has nothing to do with being weak minded, or bored or grasping for attention. it is a very serious health epidemic that can tear a family apart or bring them closer then ever. dont hide from it. accept that we are who we are, if your struggling with depression, stress, anxiety or the worst of all SZ seek help, go to a doctor, research it, talke to a friend, if you can find someone to listen. if not call a hotline there are several in your local phone books. but dont hide in the dark. there is no shame in this. there is no embarresmetn... would you be ashamed if you had kidney disease or a stroike. of course not.. this is an illness just like any other illness you just cant see it on the outside. god bles and thnaks for listening. i want to change peoples perceptions even if it is only 1 person at a time.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 07:21:29 +0000

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