Ive compiled a list of 15 songs by indi artist and personal - TopicsExpress


Ive compiled a list of 15 songs by indi artist and personal friends of mine that I wish I had written.. These are my 15 favorite songs of all time by indi artist based out of the Houston/Dallas/Austin/San Antonio area. 15) Oh So Heavy by Marcel Penn. My band has had the pleasure of performing this song with Marcel in the past. I love this song. Its funky through and through.. 14) Miles and Miles Away by Henry Young--A true talented man whos life ended too soon. I play this song a lot. Its in constant rotation on my ZUNE player.. 13) SoulLover by Rhonda Nicole--Fans of Montrose and Rhonda had waited for years for her to drop her solo ep and no one was disappointed. It was a toss up between Wanderlust and Soullover but Soullover won out on my top 15.. 12) The W(ho) by Krystal Hardwick--While I patently wait for a new cd from this beautiful Houston resident, I am happy to have this tune in rotation constantly on my ZUNE player.. 11) Breathe by J. Metro-I dont even know if anyone besides myself remembers these cats. Very talented trio. As far as I know they only released a 2 song single back in the day. Breathe is a very good song but it was doomed from the time it was released for lack of promotion and fan base I think. 10) Yesterday by Tamar Davis--One time Prince protege and good friend of mine since my days at High Volume Music. Her whole cd was a jam affair. If you didnt pick it up its not too late.. 9) I Believe by Charlie Berry- This young lady is one of the best singers in this city. Many folks are sleeping on her skills. Hopefully 2014 will see more high profile performances by my friend.. Love you Charlie if you are reading this! 8) Walk With Me by Song Byrd--What can I say about my girl. Her whole album, (recorded in Japan I think), is steeped in what Americans call neo-soul, I just call it soul. It was hard picking one song from this cd. I knew only one could make it and this one is probably it. Ill probably go back and listen to the cd later in the week and think to myself oh, I think I like another song more!! 7)Return Of The Game by O.G. Style--If I rapped...Im just saying. This brother had a style that was very different from most in the Houston area. The whole cd is incredible. There are a number of songs on here that I listen to and I say to myself I think I can be a rapper...LOL...Produced by the legend himself Michael Banks aka Mike B. This song is the shizzle... 6) Back To You by Dimitris Rail--This is a pure unfiltered, catchy rock tune. Loud guitars, superb vocals and really good lyrics...Love this tune.. I wish..... I had.... written this... 5)Imthru by Kuumba Freeque-- Everytime I hear this song, live or the cd, I just get happy.. This song is one of those funky rock tunes that you cannot resist..Tresa Cobons vocals fit this song perfectly.. Patiently waiting for the next cd.. 4) Put Your Hands Up by Kadrae G Armstrong--This song is funky as just about any TIME song out there. I love this song and its a great party tune...If you havent heard this song, you are missing a treat. GET THIS ALBUM.. 3) Breath of Fresh Air by Caretta Bell--What more can I say about Caretta that I have not said one million times....Caretta is the SHIT.. PERIOD.. This song, which might not be her favorite, (Caretta has a lot of music), is definiately mine and it showcases her vocal stylings so perfectly especially on the hook.. DAMN... 2) Get Down by Steve Steele--Its sad that my very good friend and mentor Steve Steele has sworn to never perform songs from his debut cd ever again, cause this song is incredible..It could use an updated live rocked out arrangement.. Still to this day one of the most played indi songs Ive ever had in rotation... 1) Never Be Mine by Montrose Cunningham--This song has it all...Beautiful lyrics, tight arrangements, smoothly sung vocals and that nasty ass guitar solo!! This is the one song whenever my wife and I hear Montrose live we always hope he performs!! This is the song out of all 15 songs listed here I wish really, really bad I had written. At least I can enjoy it knowing my brother in music wrote it...
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 18:44:40 +0000

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