Ive met some bloody amazing people through our journey with Lewis. - TopicsExpress


Ive met some bloody amazing people through our journey with Lewis. The most incredible, caring devoted people anyone could ever wish to meet and have in their lives. They have helped carry me through tough times, have lifted me when Ive had no strength, cried with me whem Ive needed it, theyve laughed at the good things, made me smile. At the same time Ive watched these people go through so much pain themselves. Their strength, determination to fight for their children is outstanding. You will never meet anyone stronger than a parent who has a child with special extras going on. Their love is unconditional, they fight with every breath in their body to get what theor child needs. We spend our lives fighting the system, the professionals, authorities to get the very best for our special ones. We become mums, dads, carers, nurses, doctors, OTs, Physios, teachers, SALT, voices for our children We give meds night and day, we change pads on our children for the rest of their lives(most of you wont change a pad on your child after the age of 3!) We dont just have the odd sleepless night, we go through days, weeks months of no sleep. Its taken 6yrs for us to get some sleep! We celebrate every little milestone! Most of you will remember the time your child said I Love You Mum, ive had to accept my special man most likely will never say it. I celebrate when he holds a toy, supports his head, laughs at chuggington. All small things you may think but a mountain in my little mans world. I want to say to all of you who are parents - look at your child and realise how precious they are. Dont take for granted that they can hug you and give you a kiss, that they can eat and drink normally & not through a tube in their nose/stomach, Spare a thought for the families who face such mighty battles every day yet put a smile on their face and say they are fine. When you ask are you ok properly listen to the answer. Ive seen, and continue to see such amazing people dealing with seroous pain and heart ache. I send a huge hug out to all my dearest friends and say YOU ARE BLOODY AMAZING! NEVER DOUBT YOURSELF! YOUR CHILDREN ARE WHO THEY ARE BECAUSE OF YOUR STRENGTH AND DETERMINATION To those strong friends I have that are dealing with the heartache of losing their special one, You are so amazing, strong and above all courageous, your special one watches over you so very proud of you, just like I am of you Just remember, all of you, There is no right or wrong way to feel about what you face each day. Never let go of the fact that you are amazing and I love you all xxxx
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 00:08:02 +0000

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