Ive read some of this guys stuff - hes scary. He operates on the - TopicsExpress


Ive read some of this guys stuff - hes scary. He operates on the Messianic vision of America, which basically pre-assumes before any arugmeent that any actions of manifest destiny (the settling, expansion & conquering of this continent is God ordained, as Israel for the promised land. Therefore, anyone thwarting that is invading, i.e. other colonial powers, or terrorists, native peoples here before us by millennia. His argument calling native Americans terrorists for their resistance to White Euro colonialization & expansion, terrorists... attacking citizens. Here is the foundation of his thinking and error. He presumes the white Europeans were citizens because the white government declared native nations as American soil, thus making them citizens; contrast with the native peoples being the citizens and us the intruders. Its a clear case of racial bigotry - as invasion of any western established form of formal government constitutes invasion when a foreign power/people ...uhm...hmmm.... invades (?). Push into France to settle; China; even India... that a person in 2014 thinks this way, writes such dubious rewritten history, is promoted by media giants like Glenn Beck is beyond confounding, is must be repugnant to all of us - not just peoples of color - but everyone of us must be outraged at this idiot. Now, to fellow Christians: If we do not resist and indict this moron, we lost every pretense to name ourselves Christian, for we cannot be merely hearers of the Word, but MUST be doers. One cannot separate God into a box of private spiritual faith or practice - for our guide book clearly tells us Gods character and heart is manifest in our horizontal behaviors with each other. This is individual and social. Politics, social behavior, society, justice must be fought for by us... [Isaiah 58, 61, and all of the prophets, the Gospels, and the New Testament authors...so basically MOST of the Bible speaks DIRECTLY to this with no need for a theological scholar to draw it out.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 14:28:32 +0000

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