Judging by the overwhelming response of Friday s post its quite - TopicsExpress


Judging by the overwhelming response of Friday s post its quite obvious that everyone has been waiting for me to say/do something definitive. Its been also very obvious that everyone has a million questions..... Long story short....yes, I am transgendered and VERY proud of it. Its taken me a long time to take ownership of this part of me and its been a painful secret Ive kept bottled up my entire life. But with the support of Michelle, my mentor Dainna, and all the positive response from family / friends, Im now able to feel great about writing this post. Over the past 3 years Ive taken slow but definite steps to transition and become more and more public. Its been both extremely difficult and empowering at the same time. Even though Ive had personal conversations and Ive been posting and living more and more public, this is the first time Ive made a public statement. I realize there are so, so many questions and I do want to share more of myself and provide answers. After all, trans* education and trans* advocacy have both become very important parts of my life. My passion for them stems from not only the support of the trans* and queer communities, but even moreso in how trans* issues parallel so many personal issues ALL of us face (not just trans*). So yes, I will most definitely answer questions and share my journey with everyone, but because there is so much to tell / share, I am going to take my friend Marni s lead here and do a series of Facebook posts to offer more explanation for everyone. For now, coming clean and being public is enough. :-) The only thing I will briefly discuss right now is name / pronouns. Mostly because I know that is the main question everyone has as none of you want to intentionally offend. I realized a long time ago that I need to be as patient with all of you as you would have to be with me. Because of that, I completely understand and appreciate the difficulties many of you will have in calling me Trish or referring to me as female. You all know me as a very patient and forgiving person and that hasnt changed. So I want to be clear that I understand this will take time. All I ask is that you do your best as I will do mine. Besides, I havent set a officially living full time date, so there is no immediate push. :-) I really want to thank everyone (family, friends, strangers) for being so awesome as Ive come out. Though this process has been more difficult on some of you (primarily those closest to me), its also those same people who have been my biggest advocates. In truth, everyone has shown me nothing but support and consideration in all this. My deepest thanks and love to my mentor Dainna (who Ive known for 10 years but have never met in person). She has taught me so much, the least of which was how to transition respectfully, but primarily how to transition and maintain relationships! Also, much love and respect for people like @Lavernecox @Janetmock @MonicaMHz (and so many others!) who are out there creating awareness. I also hold in my heart at all times those in my community who have lost their lives in this. My biggest thanks and love goes out to the love of my life Michelle! At times this has been a very difficult process for her, yet she is (by far) my biggest advocate, defender, and supporter. Michelle has also brought me balance at every step. So to her (and all of you), Im eternally thankful!! Love and hugs
Posted on: Sun, 01 Jun 2014 22:08:28 +0000

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