Just had an incredible experience sharing Christian Mingle The - TopicsExpress


Just had an incredible experience sharing Christian Mingle The Movie with an audience in Phoenix. My first time watching it with people not involved with the film I said to them before hand that this was like raising a child and sending him or her out the front door for the first time, praying that they dont stumble and fall. In the end, laugher in the right places (and a few surprises) and tears in the right places. So gratifying, a year of hard work by so many seems to be paying off. Thank you Phoenix and Patricia King and XP Media for organizing the event. Many here have asked how to get the movie to your town. If you really would like to see that happen, below is a link on our Christian Mingle Movie website that will tell you how you can help. We have a very real way to make this work, but we need your help: christianminglethemovie/#!groupticketsales/c15xi Heading back east this EARLY morning to set up our next movie JESSE AND NAOMI in Virginia, then start a national promotional tour for Mingle : Atlanta, Nashville, Houston, Denver and Phoenix. The movie opens up on October 10 and tons to do to let people know about it. Anything you can do here to help shout about it, PLEASE do. In the end, I just try to reach out, here or even with my films, and share whats in my heart. I start there with truth, light and love. While I appreciate and look forward to your comments and our interaction, and love people going to my movies (and hopefully liking them) I put down my words because I think a dialogue has value. It never starts with money or the potential to make money. My mother taught me many great things, but I suppose the greatest lesson came when at nineteen I told her I wanted, like her, to become an actor. She said, very simply, start with the heart, the passion, a love for what you do. The rest, (money, fame, fortune) MIGHT follow, but will never come if that is your starting point. Honestly, laugher in the theater last night, at least for me, was reward enough. Tears in the theater let me know that hearts were being touched. What more can you ask. The baby walked and didnt stumble!
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 12:11:26 +0000

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