Last night when I got home, I was greeted by the 3 dogs with - TopicsExpress


Last night when I got home, I was greeted by the 3 dogs with outdoor access - Gov, Nala and Kujo. They can get inside through a doggy door, but love being out. Nala ran to meet the car on its way up the driveway, cutting across the lawn to beat me to the house. Gov and Kuj laid by the porch, waiting until the car stopped. As soon as the engine is off, Nala starts barking in excitement and Kujo starts his crying. Normally Gov runs around circling the car. Last evening, however, Gov ran up and sat in front of me. He started a little whimper, as though he was begging. I pet him and the other 2, but he never stood. He just sat there with the little whining sound. Knowing this wasnt his normal behaviour, I tried to become completely present and open to the moment. In that feeling of presence, it feels like your animals needs become so clear. I asked - Do you want in the house? Now remember, Gov can go into the basement part of the house whenever he wants. It is the main floor that is limited on who comes in when. He let out a roar. Anyone who has heard Gov roar, knows what I means. It is like an open mouthed growl. It is one of the many sounds he uses to communicate - he is a vocal dog, but not a yappy dog. It means he is REALLY excited about something. He ran straight to the front door while I was still unloading - again, unusual, as he normally runs around my legs as I walk. We went inside and he was glowing. This wasnt his first time in the house. He comes in pretty regularly. But it was the first time he asked, and I listened. When we all went to sleep, Nala and Kujo started barking at something. I know it was the real deal because Toby leapt up and ran for the stairs, crying and looking over her shoulder at us - Get up sleepy heads! Theres trouble! Greg let Nala in and Toby out. When Greg got up, Gov did as well, but with a look on his face that pleaded not to have to protect the farm tonight. I told him it was ok and he could sleep. He let out a big yawn and went straight to his bed and laid down. Gov is getting older now. He is going on 10 and Toby is going on 9. They are now asking for days off, and they have earned it. They have learnt that if they are on the main floor, they can sleep soundly. It is not their responsibility to be diligent if they are on these floors. They have also decided, and wisely, that they cant take days off at the same time. Toby normally wouldnt respond to the barking outside if she was on the main floor. But with Gov in, she knew responsibility went back to her. Kujo isnt ready to do it on his own yet. The dogs know what their job is. And Gov showed me clearly yesterday that he also knows what he needs to do it well - including days off where he can sleep deeply through the night knowing someone else is on guard duty.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 10:59:12 +0000

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