Listen to this Secrete about your Prosperity in this Nation: so - TopicsExpress


Listen to this Secrete about your Prosperity in this Nation: so many people who are citizen by birth suffer and languish in poverty, I mean Real poverty in its original form despite their prayers, even so many christians suffer beyond prayers and vigils. Some even died after making so much effort to eat the good of the Land. U might not believe this; some might even be riding the most beautiful auto, yet they feel insecure;and so many pastors, even instead of praying for this nation, no but they curse at their vigils cos they dont experience the kind of prosperity God promises.AND THEY CAN NOT PROSPER because they lack one attribute unconsciously-What ? LOVE FOR THIS NATION.Ps 122v6 reads Pray for the PEACE of Jerusalem, They(The Dwellers/Citizen) shall PROSPER that LOVE thee(JERUSALEM). My reader uve forgotten that after uve finished praying for success here in Nigeria, what you pofess again is that THIS NATION CAN NEVER CHANGE FOR BETTER . And you want to prosper r in NIGERIA....IMPOSSICANT , IF u most prosper in this nation despite every crack-down, change your mentality about this Nation. U just have 2 responsibilities to fulfil: 1, PRAY FOR THE PEACE OF NIGERIA; and 2, LOVE NIGERIA,her leadership, accept her as it is,Pray for the president and do not RUBBISH him,God places the leaders, u might even do worse if priviledged to be there and ty to paint this Nation in good colours and doing this, you might not need to pray for posperity before it comes your way....BE WISE, CHANGE YOUR MOTIVE AND GOD WILL CHANGE YOUR MOTION...ITS WELL !
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 12:06:26 +0000

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