Long post but worth it!! Feeling stressed? Unmotivated? Maybe - TopicsExpress


Long post but worth it!! Feeling stressed? Unmotivated? Maybe exams have got you down? Coming into this busy period often we feel like we need or deserve a rest, or that other things are just more important than your health and fitness. Are you motivated all the time? Because I sure as hell am not!! Imagine if you only trained on the days you felt like it.. sure thered be a few sessions but more often than not, something else would magically come up. So what happens to your health? Maybe you gain a few kilos... Lose a bit of strength. You stay up late and have those few extra snacks.. None of these things are terrible in isolation but somehow they snowball and suddenly you feel like crap! Okay, so how do you stop going down this dreaded path? Sometimes you just have to do the work when you cant be arsed. Make it about habit, not motivation. Do you brush your teeth every day? I would hope so! Because you know its good for you and youve just always done that! Luckily you can create new habits! Starting today choose one small habit you could add to your life.. Make sure its something youd be able to do every day for 21 days. Drink your whole water bottle Do some stretching before bed Do 10 squats when you get out of bed! It doesnt have to be massive but together we can start building momentum and getting GOOD habits in place. This ranty post is inspired by my lovely client Georgie. Exams are a bit stressful at the moment and she was considering skipping one of her sessions this week. In isolation? Fine! We can reschedule, its not the end of the world.. But instead, she realised its actually not that much time out of her day but training always leaves her feeling great! Those endorphins hey ;) Anyway! She rocks up this morning still not feeling 100% but still managed to pull out a deadlift PB! A decent 10 kilos heavier than her last.. Consistent effort produces results!
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 23:01:40 +0000

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