Loving Your Neighbor A Mile in My Shoes: Love your neighbor - TopicsExpress


Loving Your Neighbor A Mile in My Shoes: Love your neighbor as yourself. With this imperative, Jesus made compassion for others central to the Christian life. Being personally and deeply aware of the suffering of our neighbors (both near and abroad) requires deep listening and action. We seldom become more compassionate without working at it, writes Hudson. One practical way to cultivate compassion involves building the pilgrimage experience into our lives. ... The risen Christ meets us in the lives of those who suffer. Read Mark 12:28-31 The entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” - Galatians 5:14 (NIV) Todays Devotional My wife, Stephanie, and I recently moved to a new state where we knew almost no one. This was scary because we had always lived surrounded by friends and family. One hot summer evening soon after we moved, we went for a walk through our neighborhood and were nearly home. Sweaty and dirty, we saw a couple carrying groceries from their car. We stopped and talked for a few minutes, and then they invited us in for dinner. At first we hesitated and asked if we could go home to clean up and change clothes before returning for dinner. They insisted that we come in just as we were. We shared a lovely time of fellowship while eating a delicious chicken potpie. Didn’t these new friends do what we as Christians are commanded to do — love our neighbors simply as they are? They didn’t judge us based on our sweaty, dingy clothes. They simply saw two human beings to whom they could show God’s love. God calls us to show this same type of love to the world around us. Each of us can find endless opportunities to express God’s love. All we have to do is have the faith and courage to respond according to God’s call to love our neighbors as ourselves. ~ Zach Fitzpatrick (Kentucky, USA) Thought for the Day: People notice when we love as Christ loves. Prayer: Dear God, help each of us to spread your love to those around us, treating them with the love and respect that you have graciously given to us. Amen. Prayer Focus: New people in my community
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 10:20:03 +0000

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