MISSOURI DEMOCRAT GOVERNOR JAY NIXON HAS SOME EXPLANING TO DO Missouri Republican Lieutenant Governor Peter Kinder’s questioning occurred when he appeared on Fox News Tuesday morning and told the Fox News host: “Where were they last night? The law-abiding citizens and business owners and taxpayers of the St. Louis region have the right to ask this governor to answer some questions. Here’s my question that the governor must answer,” Kinder said. “Is the reason that the National Guard wasn’t in there was because the Obama administration and the Holder Justice Department leaned on you to keep them out? I cannot imagine any other reason why the governor who mobilized the National Guard would not put them in there to stop this, before it started.” Meanwhile, Kinder is also demanding that officials will have to explain under oath as to why the National Guard stood by as Ferguson burned, Breitbart news reported on Tuesday. In an exclusive interview with Breitbart, Kinder told Matthew Boyle of Breitbart that Nixon owes the people of Missouri and specifically Ferguson an explanation as to why he held back the National Guard from stopping the looting, rioting, and burning of businesses and terrorizing of people. Kinder said, “All I did was ask the question, and he says it’s false. Well, okay, then explain yourself, governor. Explain why you gave the order that I supported a week ago to mobilize the guard, to declare a state of emergency, and then at the critical moment you’re nowhere to be found by the mayor of Ferguson who’s desperately calling me in the wee hours of this morning, desperately calling the Speaker of the Missouri House and the floor leader of the Missouri House, Tim Jones and John Diehl, and asking for somebody in state government to stand up and give him some help
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 06:13:48 +0000

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