Nakshtra Dhanishtha Rashi makar Related tree Shami Those born in - TopicsExpress


Nakshtra Dhanishtha Rashi makar Related tree Shami Those born in the star Dhanishtha are difficult to win, bereft of sadness, good eaters, and very famous. They serve the elders and always protect others. They are religious, endowed with many good qualities, wealthy, kind hearted, and having good establishment. They are sad, cruel, suffer from diseases like tuberculosis, and are stubborn. They are after other women, daring, and loved by women. They worship the gods and elders, good givers and wealthy. They are interested in music, respected by relatives, decorated by jewellary and rule many people. They are bright, jobfull, cruel, hate brahmins, hot constitutional, stingy and possess long feet. They speak much and show pride in undertaking many works. Those born in the second pada are soft spoken and obedient. They are learned and transact many things. They earn a lot of money; they serve the authority and are intelligent. They are equipoised towards joy and difficulties and loved by the learned.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Aug 2013 00:40:33 +0000

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