Never forget that today is the day the government murdered its own - TopicsExpress


Never forget that today is the day the government murdered its own people. No plane hit building 7 and yet it still collapsed perfectly in on itself. The twin towers fell faster then free fall speeds and perfectly in on themselves as if it was planned. Scientists found thermate on metal samples from the twin towers which is used in demolitions. Jet fuel does not burn hot enough to melt the steel that was used in the twin towers yet there were molten pools of metal and they hauled all the evidence to be recycled right away without being investigated.NORAD did not do its job as it should have. There is mysteriously no footage of the plane that hit the pentagon which is has the highest surveillance than any other place in the U.S. There was no pieces of a 747, luggage or anything at the crash point either dont know exactly why this happened but i know the official story is BS. Its a sad thing when people cant see whats right in front of their eyes because all they care about is their own personal lives, especially when it involves the deaths of innocent people, here on the day of the attack and the thousands that have died to an unjust war. Oh and the U.S. created Al-qaeda, sadam and bin laden were CIA assets as well. Even if this was executed the way were being told the whole problem started due to foreign entanglements which is what the fore fathers warned us about. DO SOME RESEARCH AND YOU WILL UNDERSTAND, DONT BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOUR TOLD!
Posted on: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 16:09:10 +0000

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