New Release: Neal E. Boyd’s “My American Dream” - TopicsExpress


New Release: Neal E. Boyd’s “My American Dream” 24Jun09 Neal E. Boyds, winner of Americas Got Talent, debut album My American Dream was released on June 23, 2009. Neal E. Boyds, winner of Americas Got Talent, debut album My American Dream was released on June 23, 2009. Thoughts Out Loud/HauteThought has a new genre for all of you! Musicians I truly admire are few and far between. Technological advancements such as Auto Tune, Pro Tools and the distortion effect that took the hip hop scene by storm last year have made it possible for people like Britney Spears and Lil’ Wayne to be superstars. Sure, their music is fun…but these computer enhanced musicians are all missing one element. Where is their natural talent? Most likely, it’s tucked away on a program hidden somewhere on the C: Drive. Luckily, a few have made it into the music scene without all the bells, whistles and wires most popular singers have today. Neal E. Boyd utilized the power of NBC’s talent show America’s Got Talent with hopes of winning over the country’s heart. I am no expert on America’s Got Talent but I cannot imagine that many people in the world, let alone on this show, have the talent that Neal E. Boyd possesses. “My American Dream,” Boyd’s debut album, stands as a testament to how talented the Missouri native truly is. Songs such as God Bless the USA, Bring Him Home from the hit broadway show “Les Miserables,” and Il Gladiatore gave me goosebumps. The purity of his voice on the high, tender notes of Bring Him Home show a level of control that no computer program can duplicate. Boyd’s ability to capture the character made me believe he was going through the agony Jean Valjean (a main character) experiences in Les Mis. Another standout song on “My American Dream” is Boyd’s rendition of Il Gladiatore, a Hans Zimmer piece featured in the 2000 Russel Crowe Film Gladiator. The strength and power in his voice nearly left me speechless. His ability to portray such a vulnerable character one moment and switch to the demeanor of a gladiator astounds me and is a true reflection of his musical gift. Winning America’s Got Talent stands as a mark to the beginning of the amazing musical journey Boyd is about to embark upon. Boyd will be touring with Paul Potts, winner of Britain’s Got Talent, soon and the passion behind his voice is powerful enough to put him on a level playing field with Josh Groban and Andrea Bocelli. Bold statement, I know, but I’m standing behind it. Click here to learn more about Neal E. Boyd. Standout songs from Neal E. Boyd’s “My American Dream” : God Bless the USA.
Posted on: Sat, 31 May 2014 21:47:40 +0000

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