New World has arrived.... Truth!!! Liberty and Justice for - TopicsExpress


New World has arrived.... Truth!!! Liberty and Justice for ALL!!! ALL who stood for TRUTH...have made their truth known... ALL who have chosen resistance, are finding themselves disconnected. ALL who are disconnected, will begin to see their jobs, their truths at risk, for only THE highest truth will be allowed in this New World! Please, i beseech ALL of Gods children... wake uP! This is now the day of Redemption as it HAS been drawing nigh as was spoken by the prophets whom thou hast killed.... In this bright future/world... Martin Luther Kings I Have a Dream speech has ALREADY been realized!!! WE are THE Galactic Federation... WE are The Ones WEve been waiting for and the time is NOW!!! Glory, Glory Hallelujah!! Blessed BE His HOLY name!!! My Lord and I are ONE and WE are ALL here!!!!!!!!!!! May WE ...the children of THE Light, now walk together, hand in hand towards Zion!!!!! SOON, we will ALL be connecting in Seattle to walk uP Martin Luther King Way in the Othello District... We will celebrate THE FIRST stage of manifestations of our 1st Collective project... As we have been meeting in the Cosmos and Consciously working together, we are now able to manifest this particular project. I AM honored to share that many, many Enlightened ONES will be, and have ALREADY joined the Team... This Team, is none other then THE family of God!! My book comes out ON Thanksgiving!!!!! My book could NOT have been manifested without the connection with ALL... Gabriel De Arc Angelo... Diana Rose Dee... Michael King... Bello Martin, Hazel Martin Schmidt...postedwithin the Galactic Federations site with which I AM connected and do create with... Together... we have been birthing within the Cosmos The New World.. Within the New World... we have ALL witnessed a mighty change in weather systems this past summer, (not the system of man made construct, which was purposefully, willing that ALL suffer for their selfish, greedy sakes... regardless of whom was hurt and or destroyed). As documented... every choice that has ever been made, that has not been based in Truth and Liberty for ALL WILL be and already has been brought to light... WE have already been working in the Cosmos, and have already, numerous times connected with the panels of these who has been and are still choosing to resist The new Worlds Order.... Again, make NO mistake about it.... This New World is based on NOTHING other than THE Highest Light, LOVE, TRUTH and JUSTICE for ALL!!!! There is a 24 hour warning..... ALL systems will be set into motion.... THE New Dpt. of Security IS in place, ALL the Angels are here...ALL our Ancient ones are here... ALL who have EVER been are here as are ALL the bands!! Its ALL about the music! ~~ WE are the Angels and Creators.... Together with My Lord of Lord and King of Kings.... We come. I had the Blessed HONOR of meeting with President and Michelles camp this a.m. for nearly 1 1/2 hours. I was accomodated and I informed the camp that ALL the Angels are now in place, and ALL the Ancient ONES.... No Bullets will stop us now and for all who are reading this ... ALL the Revolutionaries and every human being who has EVER stood for so much as offerting a drink of water to the poor, the meek, the homeless.... THE Angels!!!! WILL be blessed! Were we not reminded... Be aware...that we may be entertaining Angels Unawares! We have requested the assistance of our dear sister Michelle Obama...who we feel has tried to enact the Organic food program on a GLOBAL scale and was shot down.... (am i correct)?? The Prison Industrial Complex... (long as ALL choose to work from THE highest Light of TRUTH and JUSTCE for ALL) w/Dr. Finnie, as was mentioned this a.m. during our connection with the Obama camp, will be implementing the IMMEDIATE changes within these **FUNKED* uP ENSLAVEMENT camps!!! These and ALL other manmade Constructs are and HAVE been since... (how far do WE need to go..... for WE go back to THE African Soil... There is nothing deeper... THE WOMB of Gaia IS Africa! I AM Gaia..... I AM...IAM...WE are ONE)!!! ALL have agreed that there will be an immediate end to killing. There is NO killing in our bloodline. Which Bloodline, you may ask.... Well, The Bloodline which connects us as far back as Moses!! Please recall.... The story of Exodus.... But, please allow yourselves to remember as well, the horrendous autrocities of that night when King Herod sent out that dreadful decree that ALL the first born shall be killed! Moses mother (we have experienced ALL to BE ALL) intuitively protected her beloved son, for she KNEW that it was prohesied, that through Moses will come The King of Kings and Lord of Lords... The Christ! Jesus Himself with HEALING in His Wings!!! The local hotels in Seattle have been receiving word that they are being placed on warning.... In the event that the hotels are not connected with the Universal Consciousness and do not yet have the message that WE are ALL ONE.... and choose to resist by not allowing me a place to sleep when I request it, their hotel runs the risk of being overtaken by the New Dept. of Security.... This Dept. of Security has been given orders to take over their hotels, and WILL move out ALL the present guests and WILL begin moving the Homeless into these hotels. WE are ALL ONE and will no longer tolerate ANY HUMAN life to sleep out in the cold and remain hungry..on a GLOBAL scale. ThanksGiving is coming!! My book (our Book) will be released and is entitled The Greatest True Love Story NEVER been told and it is highly advisable that ALL locate it... for in it, you will find GREAT Hope!!!!! You will also find warnings.... depending on which side of TRUTH you have chosen.... There is a 30 day warning beginning with Thanksgiving.... This warning is found in the book and it is WELL advised that ALL search it out for WE ALL want nothing but LOVE for ALL! ALL have been so loved, yet ALL injustice is and WILL be accounted for. So, ALL truth is now coming to the LIGHT and ALL will and even now, is being recorded... Anything not standing in truth and any acts that have not been and are not cleared will create a strong Disconnect within ones Being... As above, SO below... So let iT be written, So let iT be done... Please go within and do your inner work as will be taught and can be learned through the book and by the LightWorkers we told you about.... Everyone is in place and on behalf of The New World.... WE wish you ALL Namste ~
Posted on: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 03:05:53 +0000

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