OPNIOIN: Presidential Failure - PF! Indeed, there is evidence - TopicsExpress


OPNIOIN: Presidential Failure - PF! Indeed, there is evidence for the whole world to see that the Pandula Forehead (PF) government is leading this country into a bottomless pit! Why do we say so you ask? Well, let us begin with the man at the helm of our beloved Zambia; Michael Sata or should we say, President Michael Sata. Since assuming the presidency, this man has been doing this in a manner that still leaves us wondering. A few examples; changing names of hospitals, airports, stadia which in our view, was utterly uneccessary and ridiculous to say the least. The appointment of his Cabinet ministers is something that still makes us wonder even today. He went and picked bus drivers, street venders, crooked business men and dumped them in various GOVERNMENT departments. Among these categorised above are the likes of Geoffry Mwamba, Ronald Chitotela, Steven Kampyongo just to mention but a few. Chitotela was a street vendor at Kitwes Chisokone market selling dry fish and tomatoes, GBM a bus driver and Kampyongo.....well, we dont even want to reveal what he did before being where he is today. Then there are the likes of Joseph Katema who, if our memory serves us right has never made sense. Katema cannot say anything sensible if it is not typed on a plain paper for him and yet he his called a docter. Where on earth did this old and senile fellow study from? Then there are the likes of Emmerine Kabanshi who, before becoming minister or MP was a house wife who dropped out pof school at grade 9 and today she is the minister of Local Government surely this country has gone to the dogs! We can go on and on talking about Satas Cabinet but we end here. Next, 2 years plus, Sata does not even have the decency to address a press conference to denounce the violence by his Panga Force are perpetrating or even appear on a television or radio programme to speak to the citizens and outline and even address some of the challenges the people face, to share his vision for the country with the people who elected him. He chooses to hide behind the walls of State House if not the corners of his Nkwazi house. He only appears when is suits him to either swear in officials, launch this or that road or to insult and belittle his ministers....what a president! One Ethiopian journalist remarked some time back and said Ive always known Zambians to be very smart and intelligent people but how on earth did they such a person (Sata) to be their leader?. We couldnt agree more with him, how could we redue ourselves to electing a thug to the presidency? Sata, in all honesty has no manners, does not respect anyone, has no diplomatic courtesy and simple civil language. Sata can insult and hummiliate you in front of the whole world and that we have proved; just the other day he castigated and called Yamfwa Mukanga icipuba which means idiot! Surely are those the characterists of a good leader? Certainly! not Only God can save us for that Panga Force! God bless Zambia!
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 08:52:47 +0000

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