Okay...Im gonna make the argument of Capitalism vs. Socialism - TopicsExpress


Okay...Im gonna make the argument of Capitalism vs. Socialism before I have to split firewood and get ready for my Noles to beat Oregon (I hope...Oregon is just so dammed good and Marcus Mariota such a great Heisman winner…but so is Jameis and so are the Noles)! With the arrival of the GOP controlling the House and the Senate, and their ownership and fealty to their pro-outsourcing, pro-Communist China soul mates in the multi-national foreign corporations who have no loyalty to America… ….we no longer have capitalism. Instead, what we have is what I call Corporate Socialism in my literary work: the selling out of our elections, our Congress, and our economy to the multi-national corporations vis-a-vis Citizens United and the GOP, who are owned by the foreign nationals like the Koch Brothers, Sheldon Adelson, TransCanada and their multi-national conglomerates. Some call it an Oligarchy. We saw last decade and down through history that when such laissez-faire selling out of our country to the Corporate Socialist Oligarchs occur...it is and has been a complete and utter failure against America and the world that gives us recessions every 5-7 years and Great Depressions about one every century... ...to allow the top .00001% to scoop up and pilfer away all of our hard-earned savings and equities at heavily discounted values in order to expand their wealth and power…at our expense. These are the facts of history and for those who didnt study Business or Economics at the University level...it is Adam Smiths 18th Century Laissez-faire, anti-government, anti-regulation economic modeling from his Wealth of Nations economic model. It was for a different age of what I will call early Industrial Agronomics: a time in America when some 97% of people still lived on farms while industry was beginning to expand in England and the cities of America… It was the laissez-faire Sloth based on Greed and Device in the thinking of the times: the bourgeois mindset of Masters vs. the Slave class…a holdover from the centuries of Church-State Empires and their mass murder, genocide and institutions of global slavery that we continue to have to fight against as the multi-national corporations continue to work to outsource our jobs, suppress our wages, destroy our earned benefits, and decimate our earned rights in the workplace. What we saw with Franklin Delano Roosevelt (an openly admitted Socialist), John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan (yes…Ronald Reagan was a mixture), George HW Bush, Bill Clinton and President Obama...was the Keynesian Economic Model whereby Government plays a pivotal role in spurring investment during times of economic downturn...investments in things like infrastructure, Education, Research & Development, Technology, alternative fuels, etc... Ronald Reagan invested in R&D and infrastructure GHWB invested in environmental protections and education. Remember…Richard Nixon created the EPA…a big government “socialist” program of investment in regulatory protections for long-term economic sustainability. These are the things that the Keynesian Economic Model (mid-20th century) of Government investment and stimulus does to create growth during times of failed, lazy laissez-faire Smith trickle down conservatism that was fine for the 18th Century and early Industrial Agronomic society…but not for modern times in the 21st Century. It doesn’t work…and the proof is in the pudding of history. Every President who has engaged in strong Keynesian Economic Theory has brought wealth and prosperity and growth to America and the world. See: FDR, JFK, Bill Clinton, and President Obama. (Partial modeling: Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, GHW Bush) Every President who has engaged Laissez-faire trickle down austerity anti-government, anti-stimulus Adam Smith modeling has brought about destruction to families, incomes, retirements, savings and society. (See: GOP Great Depression, Herbert Hoover, Bush/GOP Great Recession, FDR and BHO “socialism” bringing America back from both conservative economic failures) Theres a very simple reason why conservative economic policies grounded in lazy, conservative anti-government, pro-Corporate Socialist Laissez-faire policies fail...and it has to do with morality… You simply cannot give all the wealth to the greediest people on the planet... ...and expect them to share. Its just not in their personal of business DNA and doesn’t serve their bottom lines in the belly of the Beast. So...look at the facts and determine where you stand in modern times, not the times of McCarthyism and its anti-American, anti-progressive views: Do you believe in the mid-20th Century “Keynesian economic model” of John Maynard Keynes that supports American Socialism and government investment for stable, long-term economic growth of the Middle Class and the spreading of the wealth… …or do you believe in the Corporate Socialist trickle down Laissez-faire, anti-Government de-regulation model of the 18th Corporate Capitalist model of Adam Smith. One works and the other doesn’t in modern times. History has shown clearly that one is a clear success for the masses and those at the top because the wealth is spread more evenly...while the other one is a clear success only for those at the top while the rest of us are left holding the bag. Call me an American Socialist...please. It means Im standing on the correct side of history for humanity and for economic and social policy. I believe that when you have a belief…you stand up for it in the face of those who are too ignorant and uninformed to come out of the 18th Century and into the 21st…so they are relegated to simply calling you names because of such ignorance and lack of education upon such manners. See: conservatism and failed arguments.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 16:33:53 +0000

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