On Friday, August 15, 2014 I received this devastating news, - TopicsExpress


On Friday, August 15, 2014 I received this devastating news, “You have Triple Negative –Breast Cancer.” These are words no human wants to hear and to be honest I didn’t hear them. My brain went into immediate shock. If it wasn’t for my cousin Shirlene Coppage (Breast Cancer Survivor) being there, I probably would have walked out the door. I spent the next few days trying to disgest my situation and trying to figure out how I was going to tell my family/Church about my illness. Little did I know, God had already put the appropriate people in place to assist me in my journey. Shirlene’s exact words were, “Don’t worry Dee! I will be here for you.” Now, I just needed to get out of my flesh and allow Gods Spirit to work within me. Meaning, I had to go into a spiritual warfare within myself by removing the enemy of doubt, increasing my faith & hope in Christ, and removing negative encounters. I thank God for the team of doctors that didn’t ignore my dense breast results. There was no procrastination. They immediately scheduled a series of test; Ultrasound, MRI, CT Scan, Biopsy etc… Within one week, surgery was performed and chemo started. I’m a strong woman and I always wear my superwoman face around my family/Church, friends, and coworkers. However, when alone, whether in the bed, taking a shower or sitting on my porch admiring my special tree I cry and I cry LOUD and HARD. Trying to be proactive, my friends Anita Gueringer and Valerie Lyons took me wig shopping and Cocochanel Houston was the texting tie breaker for which wig to purchase. It was hard cutting my hair but God had a plan for that day as well. Special shout out to my girl Anita Gueringer who answered a 6am call asking her to contact her hair stylist. My hair began falling out rapidly and I didn’t want to watch my hair vanish before my eyes. Once again, Gods spirit led me to send out a text. The text read,” I’m cutting my hair tonight at 7pm and I want you to be present.” Most of the women receiving the text didn’t know about my diagnosis until they arrived. Since Valerie showed up early she was given the task to braid my hair. I love you too Val!! LOL…. Twenty women prayed for me and partnered with me in Jesus name. Each one cut a braid from my head. The process was emotional yet priceless. God is Awesome!! At times, it’s hard and stressful which is why it is important for me to continue with my day to day activities. I wanted to take this opportunity to share my story with my FB friends in hopes that someone will be inspired, and at the very least educated. Please take the time to learn about Breast Cancer. My journey included my willingness to embrace my obstacles and learn the facts about Breast Cancer. I’m looking forward to the day I no longer have to think about Breast Cancer. In addition, I am excited about the idea of enjoying my life with family and friends, which is why I STAY FOCUSED. Thanks to everyone for your continuous prayers, phone calls, texts and visits. Love You!!
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 02:24:04 +0000

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