On Sunday, Tank became a Drama Queen. He scraped the pad of - TopicsExpress


On Sunday, Tank became a Drama Queen. He scraped the pad of his right hind foot, running on the concrete. It wasnt a bad scrape, bled a little, stopped bleeding fast. I put Neosporin on the scrape and bandaged the foot, and he got petted a lot. Evidently he made the connection. He wasnt limping at all, as long as the bandage was on. During our walk Monday morning the bandage came off, as I knew it would, because it got so wet with dew. He still didnt limp, though he was a little cautious on the gravel, so I didnt re-bandage his foot. As the day wore on, though, he began limping -- and by late afternoon, he could barely get around. I looked at his foot. The scraped place wasnt raw, I could barely find it, but he needed help even getting up one step. He wouldnt put his weight on that foot at all. Really? I re-bandaged his foot, just in case, but began wondering if maybe hed sprained a knee or something. Apparently it was a magic bandage, though, because as soon as it was on the limping went away. Hmmm. Tuesday morning, he was trotting around and playing. The bandage came off in the dew. He didnt appear to notice, and wasnt limping. I went shopping. When I got back that afternoon, hubby was greatly alarmed because Tank could barely walk. The vet is closed on Tuesday afternoons so we couldnt take him to be checked. I looked at his foot again, and the scrape was almost healed. So what else could be going on? He didnt react to any place I touched, nothing seemed sore. I put a bandage on -- you know, just in case. He jumped up, pranced around, trotted after Molly. Hubby said, He doesnt have a sprain. No, indeedy, he did not. Like a little kid who wants a bandaid, Tank wanted his bandage. I was beginning to wonder how long Id have to keep bandaging his foot. Ive already had to replenish my bandaging supplies. But yesterday morning he bounded out of bed, and when he lost his bandage in the dew he didnt notice and never slowed down all day long. His love of the bandage appears to have waned. -- Linda H.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 12:39:34 +0000

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