On this day we all have something more to think about especially - TopicsExpress


On this day we all have something more to think about especially this year. We as American’s are going through what I call the “Days of Scrooge.” Please let me explain. We are looking into a mirror of one another daily. Caring so we say, screaming about problems around us, and calling each other names, blaming one another for problems and goings on in our country. Murders of innocent people, youth doing things that years ago would never have been tolerated, gay rights, that we know are wrong! God being taken out of our country. People coming in our country telling us they don’t like something and we have to change it to appease them? Welfare is no longer welfare anymore. It’s being taken advantage of everywhere! Races saying we are racist yet I’ve never seen a more racist people in my life than a certain race in this country today! It’s true! Truth is truth no matter how much you say it isn’t it is! Let me ask you this? When the Police were murdered in New York how come they wouldn’t respect the men who died and wait to protest! No they just had to March! No respect for one another, Life, as Scrooge said let them die and decrease the surface population! Brothers and Sisters we better start thinking and I mean NOW! Sharpton is part of this terrible problem and he and all of those are partially responsible for what is happening in this country! Listen close all he is an ADVISOR to OBAMA! He is on MSNBC as a news commentator? Spreading the word about his hate and racist commentary! A close friend to the MAYOR OF NEW YORK! He is SCUM! You see his face everywhere talking garbage against white people. Talking how HE is going to lead and not let this happen! He calls himself Reverend! He is a Reverend alright to SATAN! Why are we letting this happen in this country and not standing up to make a change? They will continue to do it as long as they know they can! One more thing. The reason why Muslim people do what they do to America is because of Obama! Korea because of Obama! Iran because of Obama! Russia because of Obama! China because of Obama! Isis because of Obama! We are not as strong and they know it! Guess what? That was Obama’s plan! To weaken us as a people, weaken our military, therefore weaken our minds. There is an answer all which lies within ourselves and we all know it! We can change this country if we really want to! Take a good look at the picture I have here. It is once said beware of 2 things ignorance and want, but most of all beware of ignorance. For ignorance will overtake you, kill your spirit, leaving you mindless without reason to care. Than it will steal the soul where God no longer has a place to rest his blessings within you! On this day of his birth we have much to think about. We came to this country called America. Took it from the Indians who were the rightful people of the continent! Look what we are doing to it! Can you honestly say you’re PROUD of yourselves right now! For letting all this happen and doing nothing! Tell ya what. Either we stop all this or go back where we came from or give the COUNTRY BACK to the INDIANS! We don’t deserve a country as wonderful as America if we let a TYRANT RULE US! Liars like Sharpton create havoc in this country between 2 races of people! You better think about what I said about ignorance. Because now it’s becoming plain old stupidity!
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 15:02:53 +0000

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