(PART 4) PAGAN NAMES AND THEIR IMPACT?TIME LOST?REALLY?What is the probability of that?Is that Logical?Sensible?Rationalistic?Really, is common sense there?What of the BEST yardstick,judger,measurer of truth--THE BIBLE?What happened to us?Is it our pride of high education today of PHDs,Masters degrees,honours degrees that makes us foolishly to VOID faith by supposing that somehow God let us down by allowing the Sabbath to dissappear?Is that the case?Look brethren,I for one,dont enjoy presenting such topics as these which are obvious and every christian MUST be well versed with them!But sometimes and infact all the times,whenever error is strongly urged on unsuspecting christians,TRUE witnessees should burn with ZEAL and JEALOUSY for the pure undefiled truth!We should be actuated by our enthusiasim of true faith!When it comes to speaking the truth,a true servant should never make compromise!Never capitulate!Never flatter!Never smoothen a rebuke!I dont care whether it is my father,mother,friend,sister ,brother..Pastor..when a choice must be made--GOD and his truth should be number 1(Acts 5:29)You can call us arrogant or time waisters,but we will obey GOD till death!We must continue to announce!Proclaim and cry out!The issue of sabbath is by FAITH!(Hebrews 4:3-7)Anyone who comes to the issue of the sabbath therefore must be guided by (A PRIORI)a greek term that suggests a BEFORE thought,concept,idea...so forth!This is what we find in hebrews 11:6:Without faith it is impossible to please God...The A PRIORI is then presupposed in the last part of hebrews 11:6:...because anyone who comes to him MUST FIRST believe that he exists ...To all critics and sceptics,doubters and sheer spoilers,sabbath haters and sunday defenders I say:God loves you and it is unconditional love!We dont earn salvation!Yes he is patient and longsuffering!But to presume on his goodness by carelessly throwing doubtful ideas around,teaching devilish theories,and refusing to heed clear evidence and deliberately straying from the path,that,alone is dicing with eternity!It may not feel like it!It may not sound like it.It may not seem like it!But the apostasy is sure and certain.Slowly,satan strengthens rebellion until man is so daring and sees error as truth in a delusional way.Here the soul is lost!Heaven gives up!The name forever is deleted in the book of life!Of this God himself says:A man who remains stiff-necked after many rebukes will suddenly be broken without repairProverbs 29:1.Infact prior to this God :...for this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe a lie2 Thessalonians 2:11. That spirit is not from God!That spirit is SATAN INSPIRED!There are no two ways about it.Its either we are saying time is lost because the people that lived before us were too stupid(Which very arrogant of us)or that we simply know BETTER now and in essence we are saying God,like a human being has failed us!NO TWO WAYS!Both of these are an AFFR0NT to a wise God of unlimited intelligence!Jesus said anyone who teaches false teachings will be considered LEAST in his Kingdom!Some us are so careless that we pick up doctrines in the dustibin of internet and from unknown pretenders and rushly post them just to defend out ill-conceived ideas!This is the danger we must watch out against!Lets now proceed: TIME DURING BABYLONIAN CAPTIVITY: “Next comes, 600 years before Christ, the Babylonish captivity of seventy years. Was it not lost here? Notice a few facts: 1. God sent them into that captivity because they did not regard His Sabbath strictly enough. Jer. 17:17-24; Neh. 13:15-18. Would He then allow the Sabbath to be lost so that they could not keep it, and thus frustrate the very object for which He sent them there? 2. Daniel, the greatest of all Gods prophets, lived in Babylon with the captives during the whole of their sojourn there. (See Dan. 1:1-21; 9:1, 2; Ezra 1:1-6, etc.) Daniel thus having constant communion with God would have corrected his people had they been in danger of losing or forgetting the Sabbath, as he was very jealous for the law of his God. Dan. 6:5. 3. As soon as the Jews return to Jerusalem, they solemnly promise God not to violate His Sabbath any more; and Nehemiah reminds them that this was the very sin for which they were sent into bondage. Neh. 10:31; 13:15-18. 4. It would not be possible for a whole nation in the short space of seventy years to forget and lose the Sabbath, even though they had no prophets to teach them, which, however, the Jews did have. What would we think of the assertion that the Americans had lost Independence Day within the last hundred years, so that we could not tell when the 4th of July does come? The idea would simply be laughed at. Yet the 4th of July comes only once a year, and hence would be much more easily CHRIST AND THE DISCIPLES KEPT THE SABBATH: “Thus we have carefully traced the Sabbath for over 4,000 years, to the coming of Christ. Here, again, we have another sure waymark: Christ, the Son of God, knew all things. If the Sabbath had been lost, He would have known it, and have corrected it. But He gave no intimation that the Jews were not keeping the right day. He kept the same day that they did. He said it was the Sabbath day, and He was its Lord. Mark 2:27, 28. In Luke 23:54-56 and 24:1, we read thus: ‘And that day was the preparation, and the Sabbath drew on. And the women also, which came with Him from Galilee, followed after, and beheld the sepulcher, and how His body was laid. And they returned, and prepared spices and ointments; and rested the Sabbath day according to the commandment. Now upon the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they came unto the sepulcher, bringing the spices which they had prepared, and certain others with them.’ “Here are several important declarations: 1. We have the preparation day, which was the sixth day. Ex. 16:5. 2. Following this, we have the next day, ‘the Sabbath day according to the commandment.’ 3. And the next day was ‘the first day of the week.’ This is the language of Inspiration, hence there is no discount upon it; therefore that day was ‘the first day of the week.’ Hence, we are still on the right track, and know that we have not lost the days of the week. This fact is made doubly sure by the inspired declaration that the day before the first day of the week was ‘the Sabbath day according to the commandment.’ Here, again, we know that we have the correct Sabbath day, the one enjoined in the commandment; for Inspiration says so. The Sabbath day ‘according to the commandment’ could be no other day than the one which that commandment enjoined, which we have shown is none other than the very day upon which God rested. After this, the Sabbath is frequently mentioned in Acts. (See chapters 13:15; 15:21; 16:13; 17:2; 18:3.) The last time it is named is in Revelation 1:10, 96 A.D., which brings us to the close of the Bible and of the first century. Now we have spanned 4,100 years of the worlds history, and found no place for the Sabbath to be lost yet. THE JEWS BEAR UNANSWERABLE TESTIMONIES: “But has not time been lost since the year 96 A.D., perhaps during the Dark Ages? Let us see. At the time of Christ, and ever since, the Jews were and have been great sticklers for the Sabbath—very careful in observing it. In 70 A.D., about forty years after the resurrection of Christ, Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans, and the Jews were led away captive into all nations, thus fulfilling Luke 21:20-24; Deuteronomy 28:25, 37, 64. Though eighteen hundred years have passed, the Jews are still a scattered nation, and yet a distinct people. In every country, in every clime, in every nation, and in almost every city, today may be found the Jew. During these eighteen long centuries, under every vicissitude, they have still tenaciously clung to the Sabbath. Every person of intelligence knows that the Jews all keep the Sabbath on Saturday. Thus Webster, under the word ‘Sabbath,’ says: ‘The Sabbath of the Jews is on Saturday.’ M. A. Berk, in his ‘History of the Jews,’ page 335, says: ‘According to the Jewish computation of time, the day commences at sunset. On Friday evening, and about an hour before sunset on this evening, all business transactions and secular occupations cease, and the twenty-four hours following are devoted to the celebration of the holy Sabbath.’ “JEWS AS GODS PEOPLE THROUGH WHOM GOD HAS PRESERVED THE SABBATH:So of the Jews. Their unanimous agreement on the day shows that they have kept it correctly. None who are not willingly blind can fail the see this. We shall, then, put down the five millions of Jews now in the world as so many living witnesses that Saturday is the true seventh-day Sabbath. Indeed, I believe, and it is evident, that the loading object of the Lord in scattering the Jews among all nations and yet preserving them a distinct people, was to make them witnesses of the truth of His word, and to preserve the knowledge of His holy Sabbath among all nations. ENTIRE WORLD AGREEMENT ON DAYS: “Some two or three centuries after Christ, Christians began to regard the first day of the week as a sacred day. In a short time, this practice became almost universal among Christians. Christendom is now divided into three great branches; viz., the Greek Church, numbered recently at 66,000,000, the Catholic Church, numbering 170,000,000, and the Protestant churches, numbered 88,000,000, making a total number of 324,000,000.(Roughly)Its growing everday! “All these have always been, and are now, unanimous in teaching that Sunday is the first day of the week, the resurrection day, and that Saturday is the old, original, seventhday Sabbath. No one ever thought of disputing this fact till of late, when it is found that there is no proof for first-day sacredness. But here are 324,000,000 witnesses who, by their hymns, their prayers, their sermons, their books, their customs, and all their traditions, teach that Sunday is the first, and Saturday the seventh, day of the week. “The Mohammedans, and long before them the Saracens, adopted the sixth day for their Sabbath. Numbering 160,000,000, they all still keep Friday. Gilfillan, in ‘The Sabbath,’ p. 359, says: ‘Before Mohammeds time, the Saracens kept their Sabbath on Friday, and from them, he and his followers adopted the custom.’ Rev. Robert Morris, who has traveled in Palestine, and written so extensively concerning the Holy Land, also confirms the same fact. (See The Holy Land for January, 1871.) Here, again, we have 160,000,000 more witnesses that the days of the week have been correctly kept. “All the laws of Christendom recognize the fact that Sunday is the first day of the week, and Saturday the seventh. Thus, the Sunday law of Iowa reads: ‘If any person be found on the first day of the week, … engaged in any riot, fighting,’ etc.—‘Statute Law of Iowa,’ Revision of 1860, chap. 175, art. 2, sec. 1, p. 751. The venerable old family Bible, in its time-table, teaches the same thing. It reads thus: “DAYS OF THE WEEK: “1st day of the weekSunday “2d day of the weekMonday “3d day of the weekTuesday “4th day of the weekWednesday “5th day of the weekThursday “6th day of the weekFriday “7th day of the week, or Sabbath or Saturday “Turn to your large family Bible, and see if it does not so read. So far, then, as we can rely upon this it corroborates the fact that Saturday is the old Sabbath, the original seventh day. Could we ask a better witness? “Websters great dictionary bears its testimony to the same undoubted fact. Thus: ‘Sunday, n. First day of the week.’ ‘Monday, n. The second day of the week.’ ‘Saturday, n. The last day of the week, … the Jewish Sabbath.’ Do all these great authors have no authority for what they say? Have they all conspired to tell a lie? “Take up a family almanac, and it will teach us the same undoubted and universally acknowledged truth, that Saturday is the original Sabbath day. Look at your almanac and see Sunday marked first day of the week, and Saturday the seventh or last day. ASTRONOMY AS A WITNESS: Astronomy Bears Testimony that no Time Has Been Lost...We will continue withe last segment (5th).
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 08:33:02 +0000

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