PLEASE READ THIS. 100% Agreed. Let this be the last thing I - TopicsExpress


PLEASE READ THIS. 100% Agreed. Let this be the last thing I will say about the chaos happening in Ferguson, MO and trust me this will be the longest post I will ever type for a while. Linking the riots to the Browns family is bad enough but using his death as an excuse to go loot or cause violence is beyond me. If you had partake in the looting or vandalism Im personally here to say unfriend me. I have no time for anyone not willing to critically think. If you listen to him @ 3:40 I think, he outright said that everything we spread on the media (TV, Facebook, Twitter, Vine, etc.) or by word of mouth causes majority of the negative things we see today. Im just as guilty as everyone on my friends list and it shows on the news feed as well as on your timeline. I have seen the true colors of people just by reading your comments. Let me break it down in groups. For the people supporting the police trust me when I say I understand and agree with you guys. Nobody should not see nor experience the violence here. I also understand they are their to help. But sometimes some people on the force are not willing to abide by that motto nor by the law. There are some individuals in there for absolute power. Some are blindsided by this and some people are wholeheartedly ignoring that part. For my males and females in the military Im sorry you had to see St. Louis break down this way. I also hate to say this but ANYONE serving the law (layers, police officers, etc.) are in need of upholding the law HIGHER than anyone else before enforcing. Reason I say this will be in the form of two questions. Officers/Military are required to uphold the law. Would you agree that at least, on a nationwide scale, 20-40% of the officers fail to uphold the law and go straight to enforcing while abusing their authority? If yes, then why isnt anything being done to prevent this? For the people saying that this is nothing but a racial issue. I wholeheartedly disagree with you and if you fall in this group please unfriend me immediately. Also unfriend me if you are outright making fun of a race during this problem or constantly smack talking another race. Youre on the internet and it will never leave you It does not matter what race did to what race when the overall problem affects all. Smack talking only makes matters worse. The sooner this particular group realize that every problem people face affects every race out there the better off people will be. For the people saying what about others that were affected by the police? They were not shown in the news nor media (not quoting anyone sho I hope this was correct). I strongly agree with you. Those should have been shown as well as the reasonings behind it all with the goal to stop the police from becoming power hungry. It is unfortunate that it taken two big deaths (Brown and Martian) to show on the media get the point across. Finally, for the people saying the media cannot line or that everything on the media is correct. Imagine you are back in elementary school and your class was playing a game. You start the game off by whispering a message to a classmate. They will need to pass it on without messing up the original message. By the time it comes back to you 95-100% of the time it is something completely different from what you said. This is how the media works. The media is nothing but propaganda. Multiple Def: 1.)information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. (oxforddictionaries/us/definition/american_english/propaganda) 2.)ideas or statements that are often false or exaggerated and that are spread in order to help a cause, a political leader, a government, etc. (merriam-webster/dictionary/propaganda) 3.)ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further ones cause or to damage an opposing cause (merriam-webster/dictionary/propaganda) 4.)Official government communications to the public that are designed to influence opinion. The information may be true or false, but it is always carefully selected for its political effect. (dictionary.reference/browse/propaganda) Everyone including myself fell to the propaganda at some point in our lives multiple times. I highly suggest at looking at both sides of opinions before agreeing/disagreeing with any/both sides to prevent yourself from feeding into propaganda. With the situation at hand propaganda is there right or wrong. My closing words are my thought at the moment. I am SEVERELY DISAPPOINTED IN OUR NATION AS A WHOLE! for those getting ready to say leave America then you are proving my point. This is due to all the racial profiling, the narcissism I see in our nation, 7 deadly sins if you want to sum it up. We want to be #1 but willing to destroy others in our way. We are busy profiling people by their appearance which causes separation between people in the nation thus dividing the nation as a whole but yet we want to tell people overseas how to run their nation. There are much more problems but until we can come together as a nation we will continue on the pathway of destroying ourselves.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 23:37:03 +0000

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