PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO READ THIS AND PASS IT ON Information from Dr. Anders about Blue green algae Did you know that as summer approaches, visits to the animal emergency room increase? Dangers like trauma ( off leash running around outside and getting hit by a car), poisonings (spring toxins like poisonous plants, fertilizers, etc.)and heat strokes are all more prominent. But there is one danger most pet owners arent aware of: swimming in lakes. While I dont want to make you paranoid about allowing your dog to swim in a lake, I do want you to be aware of cyanobacteria dangers; Ive seen it up and close. There can be a blue of green iridescent paint on the surface of a lake: blue-green algae. Cyanobacteria (also known as blue-green algae) are microscopic bacteria found in freshwater lakes, streams, ponds, and brackish water ecosystems. Blue-green algae grow to colonize into blooms. While blue-green algae arent present in all bodies of water, when they are present, youll notice a pea soup: or blue-green color floating on the surface of the water. Because blue-green algae float, the thick concentrated mats can be blown by the wind close to shore, making this potentially deadly poison easily accessible to livestock, pets and people. Most blue-green algae blooms dont produce dangerous toxins, but unfortunately, certain types of blue-green algae can produce toxins specifically microcystins and anatoxins, which are poisonous to two legged and four legged mammals alike. Its impossible to visibly distinguish dangerous algae from benign algae without appropriate testing. Swimming or drinking from water thats been contaminated with blue-green algae can result in severe acute poisoning. Even small exposures, as little as a few mouthfuls of algae contaminated water, can potentially result in fatal poisoning. Clinical signs of poisoning are dependent on the toxin involved. One type results in liver failure, while the other type results in severe neurologic (central nervous system) signs. With the blue-green algae that produce microcystins, symptoms include: VOMITING DIARRHEA NOT EATING BLACK TARRY STOOL WEAKNESS LETHARGY PALE GUMS JAUNDICE (YELLOW GUMS) SHOCK DEATH With the blue-green algae that produce anatoxins, symptoms include: EXCESSIVE DROOLING EXCESSIVE (EYE) TEARING MUSCLE TREMORS MUSCLE RIGIDITY INABILITY TO WALK DIFFICULTY BREATHING OR BLUE GUMS DEATH Immediate veterinary intervention is needed with any type of potential poisoning, but in general, once signs of blue-green algae poisoning have developed, the prognosis is very poor. Unfortunately, there is no antidote for the toxins produced by blue-green algae. With any poisoning, the sooner you seek treatment the better the prognosis. With blue-green algae, immediate veterinary attention is important. You can also call ASPCA ANIMAL POISON CONTROL CENTER FOR LIFE-SAVING CARE, at 888-426-4435. Better yet, keep your pet away from lake water - particularly if you notice that color. No need to be paranoid, but take a good look around the lake and the shore before you and your pet romp in the water. Information about Grand Lake St. Marys can be found here: ohio/news/break-news/toxic-algae-again-plaguing-grand-lake-st-marys-1.489963 The above information has been shared by Dr. Justine Lee via Dr. Ronald C. Anders LinkedIn business acquaintance. County Animal Clinic 800 North 7th Street Coldwater, OH 45828 419-678-3610 | [email protected]
Posted on: Wed, 28 May 2014 19:42:10 +0000

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